Chapter 9: Chariots

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August 17th, XXXX, Before Day 2 Begins

It was before the games...
Catsi and Matthew seemed to have a routine at meeting up at the fountain and walking to the games together, however what they didn't know is that someone very familiar to one of them is keeping a close eye on them. When they arrived at the games, they decided to sit and watch the games together with Irina. This person was still keeping a close eye on them from a bit of a distance, and Haruto had spotted them and decided to keep a close eye on the stalker. Catsi and Matthew were oblivious that someone had been keeping an eye on them.

Haruto> "How weird... An Abbadon member stalking Irina? For what reason...?"

Richard> "You've brought a guest with you?"

Matthew> "Her name is Catsi, we met recently."

Catsi> "H-hi!"

Winter> "Is she your girlfriend?"

Catsi> "N-no! I-it's not like that!"
Catsi was blushing like crazy. Matthew also seemed to be a bit flushed with pink on his cheeks. Winter looked at Matthew with a raised eyebrow.

Winter> "Mhmm..."

Matthew> "W-we're just friends! Dumbass!"

Catsi> "Y-yeah!"

Winter> "I don't believe you."

Richard> "Let's not jump to conclusions Winter-"

Matthew> "B-besides, didn't you run off with some guy?! I saw."

Winter> "Doy, why not have a bit of fun. At least I can admit it."

Matthew> "Stay out of our business!"

Winter> "No guarantees."

Fuyumi and Kei were laughing while seeing Winter tease them both. Meanwhile at Doron...

Dracona> "Kenji, explain where you were last night? You completely took off on us!"

Kenji> "Do I really have to stick with you guys all the time and not enjoy myself?"

Dracona sighed.
Dracona> "Even when you ARE here, it feels like you aren't."

Kenji> "That's because I'm bored, I need some excitement!"

Dracona> "What were you up to?"

Ongaku> "I would also like to know, since I saw you leave with a girl-"

Dracona> "KENJI! EXPLAIN?!

Kenji> "Like I said- I was having fun, for once."

Dracona sighed, and put her hand on her forehead and ribbed her forehead a bit.
Dracona> "You're a freaking idiot..."

Kenji> "Hey, it was mutual! We both are on mutual terms with one another about this."

Dracona> "Seriously... You're going to end up hurting a girl's heart one day..."

Ongaku> "Please tell me, do you actually like this girl?"

Kenji looked away for a moment, and the wind blew his hair.
Kenji> "Yeah. It's weird, we gave off the same energy to one another. I'm not just saying that in a sexual way, I swear!"

Ongaku> "Hm... Okay."

Dracona> "Just remember what's more important."

Kenji> "I know better than anyone what is more important. Lighten up!"
He let out a slightly chuckle and smiled.

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