Chapter 10: The Mole

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It was at this moment that David knew the note wasn’t from Alvina, but from the Rosalia members he had beaten up long ago. In a way, it relieved him to know that they were all okay, and not badly injured. He didn’t actually want to hurt these people after all. However, he did still have many questions.

David K.> “How did you get here? Isn’t your guild seriously injured?”

Shashin> “Yes, so badly injured you made us come to the capital’s hospital to recover… Grazie mille for that by the way.”
Translation: “Grazie Mille” is an Italian phrase that means “Thanks a thousand” in English. It’s a way of expressing how much thanks you have, in this case it is used sarcastically.

David K.> “Oh gosh… I’m so sorry… I didn’t realize how bad we hurt you.”

Mehkit> “Are you though? You’re the reason our guild is not in the Games and also IN the hospital.”

David K.> “I know you don’t really have a reason to believe me, but my master never told me about how serious the conditions were…”

Shashin> “Couldn’t you see with your own eyes?!”

David K.> “I mean… It wasn’t as bad as most times… so sorry I guess I didn’t know how bad it really was. I thought we left you unconscious.”

Mehkit> “Well, now you know the truth, your master isn’t as great as he seems!”

Angélique> "I'm sorry you had to find out this way…"

David K.> "I'm so sorry we did this… I feel awful about it…"

Shashin> "Do you really? You moved on from it so quickly."

David K.> "I mean… what else can I really do?"

Angélique> "You know, it's not too late…"

David K.> "Too late too?"

Mehkit> "You can help repay us…"

David K.> "In what way…?"

Shashin> "Some of the guilds you are facing in the Games, they have been helping us try to stop your master from doing anything more evil."

David K.> "Do you think he is planning to destroy more guilds than just Rosalia…?"

Mehkit> "If he's done it to one already, it's easy for him to continue. Don't you think so?"

David K.> "You have a point… I guess I've been kind of denying he did such evil things for a while…"

Angélique> "Can you help us then?"

David K.> "If it makes me a better guy, of course!"

Shashin> "Then please, tomorrow come to this address and tell us everything you can."
Shashin gave him a paper, with the address to the café they all went to for the meeting.

David K.> "Okay… When should I go?"

Shashin> "Early morning. Also, make sure to tell your master that you went looking for Verna and Alvina because you were nervous. Or else it will seem suspicious… okay?"

David K.> "Right, okay. I'm glad I could help you all out in some way."

Shashin> "For now you may need to play along with some orders your master tells you, even if you don't like it… When the time is right, you can turn on him."

David K.> "Okay, should I get going now before It seems like I've been away for too long?"

Mehkit> "Yes, thank you for helping us… It's appreciated."

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