Semi Final

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"Mads?" Alex walked into their now shared bedroom,Ava has insisted she wanted to stay in Alex's room so she also insisted Alex stayed with her "yes?" She replied her voice booming in the bathroom,she was drying her hair "can you tell me where the candles are?" "They are on the drawers and be careful they are on" "okay" there was silence until she heard an "ouch" from the room "what happened?" She inquired eyeing Alex "I think i burned myself" he stretched out his burnt wrist "is it bad?" "Feel it for yourself" she pressed his burn and he whined "it's bad" they both started laughing as she lead him to sit down and pressed some ice on his burn "how was your day?" He faced her
"My day was full of your love" she giggled and he chuckled " Sam asking about what you did today apart from taking care of me and Ava" she paused,lately all she has been about have been about Alex and Ava,she put them first in everything
"I want you to live,i don't want you to be trapped while taking care of me and Ava,it makes me feel like a burden"
"No! You are not"
"Then stop staying at home all day trying to take care of us,i can take care of Ava!" He half yelled at her face
"No! Am not staying because i want to take care of you,am staying because i miss you and i want to be with you" She gulped looking at his lips,with thinking she took it in a kiss,at first he was startled but he soon felt comfortable and started kissing her back,this was how her night have been,full of kisses and everything surrounding it. She kissed his shoulders,his neck,he responded with a moan "What are you doing?" He breathed out " Shut up and Watch" She responded biting his neck seductively,he kissed her back squeezing her boo* bs,her bu*tts. It was the best s*x she ever had,it was about touch,he felt her and it gave her pleasure,there was no cond* om used,nothing blocked their connection,it was a way their soul connected. Alex worship her body like a god,he worshiped her with his gentle touches,he sent her whole body on fire.
He didn't fu*ck her,he made love.

★.                               ★.                                      ★

Maddie tore her eyes open and felt the feeling of someone stroking her hair,he was also humming a song,no one needed to tell her before she knew it was Alex,her head was on his chest and she could hear his breath,his hot breath fanned her neck "i know you are awake" She popped her head and looked at him,he was staring at the ceiling and a little blush was over his face "how was your night?" She asked,he still gets shy after they do something together " fine" he was feeling shy and she was enjoying it "how do you feel about our s*x?" Somehow he aimed perfectly at her mouth and placed his index finger on it " Don't!" "What!" She removed his finger from her mouth "didn't you enjoy it? Was i bad?" He bit his lips in frustration and she chuckled silently,she is really enjoying this "i enjoyed it too much.." He blushes "You enjoyed it too much!" She exclaimed and he moved away from her "stop! ..there is a kid in the house"
"I think that kid is you"
"No! Am a man.Ava..Ava might hear you" she smiled at his cuteness,how can a man be so innocent "come,i want to eat,i will cook today" she sounded so confident that Alex bust out laughing "please don't,i still taste all the terrible food you brought for me in the hospital"
"Am cooking and that's final" she swing her feet over the bed and walked over to the kitchen "good morning" Ava greeted her mouth full of cereal "did you get permission before taking that?" Maddie asked and Ava shrugged shifting her attention to Alex who looked lost,is seems he did not know where to stay since he didn't know where they were standing "come and sit with me,am in front of the kitchen counter" Ava tapped beside her with a smile and Alex followed the sound feeling his way over "Good morning Ava,did you get a good night rest?"
"Yes,your room smells nice" she beamed and Alex smiled reaching over and patting her head
"What about you,how was your night?" Ava asked and Alex blushed crimson
"He was busy during the night" Maddie replied pouring eggs into the pants,she wanted to make egg omlet " Busy? What were you doing over night?"
"Ask Mads!"" He quickly said and Maddie widened her eyes,did he just dump all this on her! She takes back saying he was innocent
"Um..exercise,we were doing exercise!" She breathed
" Just say you had s*x" "what!" "What!" They both exclaimed,is this girl really twelve!? They both glared at Ava,No Maddie glared at Ava although Alex would too if he could
"How do you know that?" Alex was the one who talked this time "Am twelve,not a Kid and definitely not a fool,i see things and watch things online and besides Maddie was shouting like a cow throughout the night!"
"What! Ava Moore!" "What!" The little girl went back to eating "Am going to ground you,no phones for you,what have you been looking at online?" Ava did not answer,she just kept on eating "Mads? I think what you are cooking is burning,it doesn't smell right"
"Maddie! What is this? Is this even edible?!" Ava exclaimed and Maddie's face went blank "is it bad?" Alex was the only one who was oblivious of the situation
"You should be thankful you are blind,i think i myself would go blind after seeing this,this looks like she is frying charcoal!" "Charcoal?"
"Ava! You better shut up!" Maddie warned and Ava grinned "Alexander,did you know that Maddie always looks ugly every morning"
"No" Alex replied laughing hard "right now she has those big bags under her eyes and her hair! Holly Molly! It looks like entangled trees,she looks the worst" "Really!"" "Yes!"
"Xan! Don't believe her,she's lying right now,i look really beautiful now!"
"I know" he placed a kiss on her cheek and Maddie made a face at Ava who did the same "Mads,i think the omlet is cooked enough now" she looked over the pan and he was right "it's like you are the one cooking still" she poured and he smiled"Am going out with Eric today"
"Who's Eric?"
"Ada's boyfriend,he wanted to take me somewhere for men"
"I have a bad feeling about this,i like you like this"
"But i want to go,please?" He begged and Maddie sighed,it's actually a good thing he wants to go out into the world,when she first met him,he was a hurt broken soul who seemed terrified of other people "okay but he careful,i can't have you falling sick again"
"Okay" "i love you" she said and got no reply,he has been like this,nodding or humming whenever she tells him she loves him.


Maddie stirred awake after hearing the sound of the door bell,she had slept the whole day,wearing a pair of flip flops she walked over to the door,Ava lay asleep on the couch "who is it at this time?" She murmured to herself before opening the door,a drunk Alex helped by Eric stood there "what happened?" She gasped covering her mouth and making way for Eric to bring Alex inside " i don't know,he just kept drinking" Eric chuckled dropping him on a free coach "i have to go now,Adam is expecting me"
"Yes,thanks" Maddie escorted him to the door and came back to see a wasted Alex smiling at himself " i have the best girlfriend in the world!" She chuckled
"Mads? Mads? Maaadddsss?" He sang standing up "she's not at home,i have to cook for her" Maddie chocked in laughter,he is so cute "Alex!" He jumped a little before smiling "she's home!" He  staggered almost falling and she quickly rushed to him to help him but he withdraw his hands from hers forcefully "There you go again,i can take care of myself!" You keep treating me like i can't do anything by myself,you behave like my father,always reminding me that am blind,that am useless,that am a weakness to him as a mafia,he hated me,he wanted to kill me,did i want to be born this way!?" Maddie was beyond shocked,it felt like he was exploding with emotions,she touched him " i said leave me alone,i know you are a mafia too!!!" His voice sounded pained,he breathed sharply "My brother came to me when i was in the hospital,he told me you work for him! Why? I trusted you! I loved you! Why?" He held his chest before moving away from her and going into the bedroom.

All this while Alex knew she was a mafia but he pretended he didn't,he didn't want to lose her,she sniffles,his brother? The only person above her is the  Chief Agent,she gasped "is the chief agent Alex's brother?"
They song they both loved to hum! How the chief agent was suddenly interested in her! How could she not notice. Why is the Chief Agent doing this? Why!?

Just when she was starting to become happy he came and ruined it,is this the end of her happiness!?

T. B. C
Final chapter dropping tomorrow
Love you goldies😘
Tell me what you think about this chapter

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