Chapter Two

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As soon As Maddie reached the chief Agents office she was met with loud moans coming from the inside so she shook her head and entered the office "Don't you at least have something better to do early in the morning!?" She shot the young male in front of her a glare,he is the Chief Agent of the Underworld castle,although pretty young looking obviously in his mid twenties with short dark hair and gray eyes "If it is not Agent 15,who else would dare interrupt the Chief Agent while he is fuc*ing" he said releasing the female he was tending to "see you later babe" he winked at the lady who blushed. Maddie could only let out a hiss feeling irritated before settling her butts inside a coach "I heard you sent for me " she stated plainly not bothering to waste time "Indeed.." He pursed "..Maddie" her head jacked up in anger,she really hated people calling her by her real name "Chief Agent" she replied with her teeth tightly closed making him to laugh "i still find it amazing that you don't snap my head off when i call you by your name" have she any choice she almost growled she was not a rank A agent,in fact nobody was.

"Am sending you to the Demon's lair tonight" "What!" She was quick to react,that group was not to be meddled with,it is a Mafia group even stronger than them "What do you mean by sending me to them?"she looked at him straight in the eye shoving away any feeling of fear she was feeling not quite long,it was the matter of her life here but as soon as she looked at him and caught a smirk on his face she hissed finally getting what he was trying to do,he wants to get rid of her once and for all "Them son of bi*ches ambushed my men and stole my drugs" "so you want to sacrifice me for some drugs?!" She yelled standing in disbelief "He careful Maddie you know how i value my drugs" he half growled before dismissing her.

Love you,❤

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