Chapter Eight

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Not ever!he would never tell anyone all that has happened in his past,if fact he wants to erase the past twenty five years of his live as much as he could. Completely. He felt someone ruffle beside him and he sucked in a breath,is it Maddie?Did she sleep with him yesterday night?why?why is she taking care of him like this?have they met before?do she know him? "Hey"he heard her sleepy voice beside him "why didn't you wake me up i would be late for work?!"she hurriedly picked herself off the couch completely ignoring him,not even a good morning,not that it mattered anyways,he had had worse so he too climbed off the couch to make them something to eat.
  There is only so much he can do by feeling around the place "ouch!"he hissed as a sting of pain hit his palm but he ignored it and continued to feel around for eggs,then flour then....
"What the fu*cj!" Maddie exclaimed the moment she entered the kitchen "what did you do to yourself?!"she quickly ran to him looking at the mass of blood already forming on the floor "what are you doing?"her voice was soft this time,she panicked as she lifted his injured hand and examined it,he had sliced his hands with a knife,his huge body frame hovers above her in pain "is it that bad?..i was only trying to cook and since i can't see i had to feel around and i don't know...."he seemed really frustrated,his shoulders was raised and his eyes tightly shut . Maddie heaved as she quickly grabbed a first aid kit and treated the wound for him, damn he smashed his palm right on a knife but he still didn't move or whine in pain,it amazes her,he handles pain a little too well for someone who gets terrified when you yell at him, "am sorry i yelled at you,i was scared,i didn't mean to scare you,please open your eyes?"he hesitated but he did,he opened his eyes but they remained unmoving,that stared dead ahead as of he was looking into eternity "Am sorry" he whispered and she shook her head forgetting he can't see her "i should be the one apologizing,you have done nothing wrong,as from now you shouldn't apologize to me,okay?" He replied with a heave"am sorry,i really wanted to cook for you but am useless ,i can't even see to do that"he trembled,awwn he wanted to cook for her?so sweet "am sorry"  "calm down"she hugged him,his body went stiff for a moment but eventually relaxed against her shoulders "don't say you are sorry again,un?" "Okay"he nods,Maddie looked really small in the embrace of the man she was holding,he felt so big and warm and she would get him,blind or not!. "Don't worry,when i get back i would explain what this place looks like to you so you can move around more freely and how about i get you some clothes?" He nodded and her phone rang,with a groan she pulled away from him and checked the caller ID,it was Ada,"I've got to go okay,Take care of yourself"

As soon as she packed her car Ada ran towards her "What the hell!" She half yelled at Maddie who shot her a deadly glare,if only looks can kill "Am not in a good mood this morning,know your place"she was clearing fuming so Ada quickly shut her mouth and fall behind her boss,it is the famous deadly Agent 15 that came to work this morning not Maddie her best friend.

Pushing the door to her office open Agent 15 looked at the people littering her coach "And who might you be?"she faced the people dressed in black "how about you take a seat first Agent 15?" " It's my office,i do what i like plus am in no mood to sit among trash" she made her may towards her desk,the face of the man who spoke to her hardened but he was quick to replace it with a fake smile "You are just as sassy as you were said to be" "i would not say sassy if i were you"she gave him a dangerous look "please don't be hostile since we have come as friends" "i don't think anyone from Demon's lair can be my friend,just tell me what you are here for and get out of here" the man smiled "on the day you came to our lair did you see anyone strange?" She answered the question with a smirk and then a chuckle "of course i saw someone strange" the man quickly turned serious and hopeful "I saw your Don trying to kill me,is that not strange,i even heard her was not your Don after all"she gave the man a knowing smile "There you have it now get out of my office!"she glared at the four men in front of her,if only looks can kill they would have been dead by now "with pleasure"their leader said before signing them to go out.

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"Am home" Maddie announced the moment she stepped into the house but got no reply,in her hands are the piles of clothes she had spent the day buying "Xandra?!" No response until she found him in the living room stretched out on a recliner asleep,his face and body looked so relaxed,his face looked cute and handsome at the same time,he also looked pretty and breathtaking too,he took Maddie's breath away "Hey Xandra!"she shook him gently,she did not want to go spend the night in the living room again "Mads?" "Yes,it's me"she helped him up "come i would take you to your room,tomorrow is a Sunday we will do all what we planned to do today tomorrow okay?" He nodded and Maddie too his hands in hers leading him to the room facing hers directly. Entering the room she looked around,everything he could need was there but the settings of the room is the problem,he can run into anything at anytime,tomorrow she would rearrange the room "Are we there yet?"she heard his almost tiny sleepy voice "yes here" she helped him lay on the bed "Goodnight Mads" "Good night Xan" she pulled the blanket over him,he looked so tired and even Maddie could relate,she also felt tired so she hurried to her room and sent herself to sleep.

"Come on,wake up" Maddie tried to wake Xandra "It's already way past eleven and you still want to sleep,get up" "I'll wake up soon just leave me for now" "You have been saying that since,am not buying that anymore,get up i have to rearrange your room" "why?" He groans "No reason"  "Really?" "Yes" Reluctantly he dragged himself off the bed and faced where he last heard her voice  "what now?" "You go and shower" "where is the shower?" "Come" she nudged him to count his steps as he walked,she wanted him to be independent,by the end of the day he already has the whole place mastered in his head,he knew where everything is,it was like he was a genius or maybe he is.

  Stretching herself with her eyes closed Xandra sat crisscrossed at her feet "and really tired" she sang looking at the ceiling "You really did a great job today" Xandra was really strong,all those muscles didn't go to waste,it made her like him more,she giggled as she ruffled his blonde locks "Hey what was that for?" He frowned "You're facing another direction"she decided to prank him,he was actually facing her "Really?" He faced the other direction and she started laughing "I got you" he gave a cute pout "whatever,i would go and cook now?" He faced her back but the stopped him "let's just order something,you are tired too right?" He groaned then nodded. They quickly eat in silence and sent themselves to sleep feeling too exhausted.

Maddie was on the moon the work they did together has brought them close to each other she loved it,hope this would never end.

T. B. C
How was this chapter goldies😍🖤
Love you 🙋‍♀️💋

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