Chapter Six

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Someone was crying inside the bin. Slowly she moved towards the bin,her gun tightly clutched to her chest and she opened the bin only to come face to face with the lightest blue she had ever seen,the eyeballs were dancing around unsettled. Her breath itched at the sight before her and for a minute she forgot the pain she was feeling in her shoulders or the fact that the guy inside the bin was shivering seriously,a gunshot was what pulled her back to her senses so she quickly grabbed his wrist and pulled him out of the bin.

  Maddie could have swore he actually shrieked whenever she touched him,he was so sensitive to touch but regardless she dragged him with her running for safety,she did not stop when he ran into a wall or when he would whimper loudly behind her all she knew was that she was slowly losing consciousness but had to get them both out of there alive,it was an impulse she could not control and that was what she did,she entered the car she could find and whosoever the owner of the car was she was feeling really grateful to him because the idiot left the car open with it's keys inside. Quickly she drove home with a stranger in her car but could she help it? No!

   When she reached home she was totally drained,she just went to the kitchen,placed a knife on the fire and when the knife was hot enough she plugged a cloth to her mouth,placed the knife over her wound and whimpered as her shin melted shut. She was shivering in pain and was sweating like nonsense when she finally fainted,the last thing she remembered was falling on the cold kitchen floor.

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Maddie's long eyelashes flared open with a groan ever part of her body hurting. She looked around surveying her surroundings,she was in the living room which confused her,she could clearly remember passing out in the kitchen and then she saw him all memories of last night coming back to her head,he had very sharp features this eyelashes were long,his lips pink and plump,his eyes closed in slumber.
Occasionally he would whimper in his sleep,he was also tall,his frame on the sofa spoke that much,he was not so muscular but he still has muscles that would hover above he,he was perfectly structured. Hell! He could not be from this earth,he must be an alien that came for her,his skin was pale not tanned like hers,in short he looked like a model or maybe he is,she would ask him later .

Pushing away the feeling of pain she stood up but was surprised to see a bowl of water with a towel in it,he must have fallen asleep while nursing her. Awwwn. Her gaze shifted to the neat bandage surrounding her shoulders and her heart warmed. When she entered the kitchen she was also surprised to find pancakes and coffee,the coffee was still warm which meant he had just fallen asleep not quite long ago at this point she was so sure she had fallen for him. She quickly covered him with a blanket and proceeded to eat breakfast. D*mn! How can he look this good and still know how to cook,the food was beyond delicious.

She had spent about four hours watching him,her face only a breath away from his as she looked at his pleasant features,he would whimper or groan sometimes before sending himself back to sleep but this time his eyes flared open with a groan. His icy eyes looked around the place but still he didn't notice her,she frowned watching his movement, he was...blind? Aw men!? "Hey"she nearly barked at his face causing him to jerk up with a gasp,his eyes were so unfocused in fact they were not looking at her and it pained Maddie all feelings or hope she felt towards him crushing down "fu*k" she cussed,she couldn't believe she had actually fallen for a blind bat but still a part of her broke at the sight in front of her,he was shaking like a leaf "what are you un? You can't even hear noises without shrieking!?"she yelled at him full of disgust,she got even more annoyed when she saw his figure cuddled up against the coach,if it was possible she was sure he would have entered the coach. She heaved as she ran her hands through her hair "blind and mute?"she scoffed,how can this happen to a greek god like him?what could have happened to him inside Demon's lair.she shook her head ignoring him before entering the shower,when she looked at the bandage in her shoulders she sighed,perhaps she was too harsh,shaking her head she dismissed the thought and entered the shower.


"What the hell!?"she yelled at the man she used to fear,The Chief Agent ,he had that signature smirk on his face and Maddie just wished she could whip it off his face. "Oh,A15,am sorry about yesterday"he gave a mischievous smile "don't give me that bull*hit you sick son of a bi*ch"
"Finally standing up to me until?"he smirked
"And what are you going to do about it?"she responds and he stood up from his chair slowly stalking towards her "oh come on we both know there are a number of things i can do to you"he continued"like making you Rank A".  "Ww..what?"she stuttered "come on i already asked Ada to prepare your office for you and she would also be your assistant i figured you guys are close"he winked moving back to his seat "Go,she's waiting for you by the door"

"Baby!"Ada eloped her in a hug as soon as she stepped outside the door"everyone in underground castle is singing your praise now,do you know you actually killed those Demon's lair leader,turns out he was not their Don "Maddie stopped on her tracks,now she gets why CA made her a Rank A,by killing demon's lair people she automatically becomes their enemy so he gave her the post so she could not complain,he knew she wanted it. She hissed  not paying much attention to what Ada was showing her in her new office,all she knew was that the view is great. She was tired and hurting from her wounds so she decided to just go home but getting home she saw the most heartbreaking sight she had ever seen. Hell! She had forgotten she left someone at home.

To be continued...
what you think of Maddie and her man,hope this chapter is long enough.
Love you goldies😍💋

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