Chapter Twelve

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Note:Alex is really blind like he isn't pretending,he is totally blind which means he can't even see blurry images,he was blind from birth because his retinas didn't develop properly so he can't be cured,he has never seen and will never do,his eyes organs are not well develop in the first place so it can't be fixed.

Maddie left him stomping her feet against the ground so he can hear her,occasionally she would look at him or stay beside him without him knowing but her heart flew to her throat when she looked back and couldn't see him "Xandra!? Alex!? Alexander!?, i swear if you are joking with me right now"she gripped her hoodie with fear,what has she done! "Alex please!" She was running among the crowd like a deranged horse tears spilling on her cheeks "Alex"she was holding her hoodie for dear life and different people were starting to look at her coldly "Mads?"the voice was faint but she could hear it,only one person would call her Mads "Alex!" "Mads"the voice was getting closer and she didn't care that she was getting aggressive,she pushed everyone out of her way muttering cusses to whoever tries to fight her "Mads"she saw him beside a cotton candy stall facing her direction hopefully "Mads?" She could hear the shiver in his voice "Am here"she hugged him almost crushing him,she didn't realize she was crying until he stopped to touch her cheeks "Is that a tear?"she quickly whipped it away sniffing "No" "Don't lie,i felt the color blue on your face"she chuckled at his remark moving into his embrace "Were you scared?" "Umm" "Am sorry,i was definitely following you until i noticed i was no longer with you,i also don't know what happened" "i.."she was interrupted by someone clapping "What a nice sight,and i really thought i saw someone familiar,turns out i was right,you Maddie Moore busy hugging..."she look at Xandra.

"Who is it?" Xandra whispered to Maddie feeling someone looking at him "It's Ada,a close friend of mine" "Best friend" Adam corrected eyeing Maddie "And you are?"she nodded at Alex "This is Alexander,my boyfriend and my future husband" "What!!" Both Alex and Ada exclaimed together "You got a lot of explaining to do girl" Adam eyed her and Alex's probing cane "So you are a cop like Maddie too?" Alex suddenly asked "!" Ada coughed and Maddie signed for her to go with the flow, Alex once found a gun in her clothes and she had to lie about being a cop since for some reason he was scared of Mafias it's like they tortured him or did something really bad to him in Demons Lair but since it's a trauma for him she never brought it up "I..Yes..Am..We..We are cops,you know i never knew we would ever end up as cops" Ada was doing a really bad job and Maddie was anxious Alex would figure out with his heightened senses "What's wrong?Are you Okay?" He asked worriedly "Yes i i have to go and you girl she eyed Maddie"You have a lot of explaining to do" "Yeah Bye" Maddie waved as they made faces at each other "Well that felt weird,don't you think your friend sounded strange" He tilted his ears towards her. Aww men! She is in big trouble,he only does that when something has his whole attention "Mads?Am still waiting" "Well.."she cleared her throat wanting to sound as normal as possible "That's Ada for you,she's a cop,she rarely meets people so she's bad with people"  "oh,that makes sense".

He tapped the ground with his probing cane "let's go home" "What about the food?"
"Screw that,aren't you tired?,the day have been long and dramatic plus i don't feel the sun anymore" he made her hold him as he used his cane to direct him around the crowd while following the direction she tells him. He is so amazing.

T. B. C
Sorry it's short,I'll give you another chapter this evening.
Goldies😍 share what you feel and don't ghost read my stories.
Love you❤

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