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If there was an award labeled 'Two Faced Bitch' Percy Jackson would've slapped Esmeralda Beckendorf's name on it and presented it to her like an Oscar. She wasn't two faced in the sense that she would trash talk him, because she didn't. She was two faced in the sense that he could never tell if she liked him or not, and this drove him mental. One day he thinks they're friends, the next she's got her sword at his throat, and maybe once in a while he might think she was flirting. It was hard to tell with Esme.

This happed every fucking year...

It was the same story over and over again. Percy and Esmeralda would end on a high note, go a few months without seeing each other, and all of a sudden she's at his throat again.

Now he couldn't necessarily blame her this time, and maybe he shouldn't have been calling her a bitch. It was clear he fucked up, but he didn't really know where. And he knew this time she wasn't going to be so reluctant to forgive him.

"What did you do now?" Grover asked, watching Esmeralda and Bianca a few yards away from them. They were sitting together, Esme's face was emotionless. Bianca seemed to be trying to comfort her, but it didn't look like she was making much progress. Raw gemstones and precious nuggets of metal surrounded Em's feet, every few minutes she'd get extremely annoyed and sink them back into the earth. But just ask quickly they would reappear.

"I don't know man, I said something and she just exploded." Percy sighed, remembering how she'd screamed and cursed him out.

"Hey, you know I'll always believe you. But you had to have done something really bad to receive a reaction like that." He said.

"Look, Artemis asked her to join the hunters, I said it was a stupid idea and that she couldn't." Percy explained.

Grover stared at him, "let me get this straight. You told Esmeralda-" He looked over at her, "-that girl right there, you told her she can't join the hunters?"

Percy nodded very slowly.

"Are you out of your mind! Were you hit on the head recently! Percy you know Em, when has she ever taken bullshit from anyone? And you just straight up told her what she can and can't do. If I were her I'd be pissed too."

It all lined up in Percy's head, and the longer he let it simmer the more he realized he was being selfish. He didn't care if she joined the hunters because of the prophecy. He cared because he didn't want to loose her. And somehow he'd managed to do just that without even trying.

"I've really fucked up haven't I?"

Grover nodded, "I'd be shocked if she ever forgives you."

Percy panicked, "you don't mean that, right?"

Grover raised his hands in defense, "hey man, I don't know. Give her space, she's got a lot going on right now, don't add to it."

Percy accepted his fate, however meanwhile Esmeralda was driving herself up a wall.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid..." she mumbled.

"You're not stupid Em-" Bianca tried to reason.

"Oh I know, I'm talking about him. I mean how fucking selfish is it to try and tell me what I can and can't do." Gems appeared in the snow around her feet.

Oh- yeah. You're so right." Bianca agreed, for some reason she felt the need to try had around Esmeralda. Though they had just met, the daughter of Hades released a powerful aura that made it seem like her attention was to be earned. Bianca usually didn't feel this way, mainly because she didn't give two shits about what other people thought. But this was different, she wanted Em to think highly of her, and maybe actually take her seriously.

★ 𝟐 𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒆𝒅 ★ p. jackson Where stories live. Discover now