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The group walked down the empty road silently. Em couldn't stop thinking about what the war god had said to her. 'How's that curse going?' What was that supposed to mean. Did he really think he could just bring that up as casually as 'what's for dinner?' And not expect her to go crazy. Annabeth kept sending her weird looks, she either knew something or was just worried for her friend. Em didn't like it either way. This only made her more anxious to get back to camp. She needed to have a long talk with Chiron.

The four found themselves in front of the locked gates to a water park. The sign read wat r  a d, given that the letters had fallen off over time. Not like Esmeralda could read it if she wanted to

"How do we get in?" Percy stared at the gates dumbly.

"Maia!" Grover flew over the fence, doing a few unintentional flips, before landing on his feet again. "I meant to do that." He said brushing himself off.

The other three had to do it the old fashioned way of climbing. Esmeralda struggled with her rapped hands but Annabeth 'helped' her by pushing her in the butt.

The water park was generic, a few twisty slides, a water fall, pools obviously, some random rides, and-

"Clothes!" Annabeth pointed at the souvenir shop that was filled with water bottles, dolphin and turtle plushies, goggles and floaty's, and of course, fresh clean clothes.

The two girls ran for them.

"Where are you going? You can't just-"

"Watch us." Annabeth said.

"What's stopping us?" Em asked hopping the counter of the shop. She grabbed a blue WATERLAND t-shirt and some fish printed shorts before disappearing into a room to change.

When she popped back out she saw Annabeth stuffing what we might be useful in her backpack. "I've never felt so happy to be in water park merch in my life."

"When have you ever been in water park merch?" Annabeth raised a brow.

"Never, that's beside the point." She waved her off.

"Hey when you two are done shop lifting cone over here, we found it." Percy called.

Em rolled her eyes, zipping up his sweater. They walked towards where Grover and Percy were standing in front of a ride. Em tilted her head and squinted trying to read the sign without the letters flying around.

"What are you doing with your face?" Percy asked from beside her. Em contemplated pushing him in the water for that remark.

"Where's the shield?" She asked.

"Probably in there, somewhere." Annabeth pointed inside the tunnel as it opened up into an open pool.

"I guess I'll go in." Percy crouched down to look inside the tunnel.

No one complained about that.

"I'll go with you," Grover said, he looked nervous but he hid it pretty well.

Percy smiled. "Thanks G-man, but if anything happens I would want you to be up here, especially because you got the flying shoes."

"Right, are you sure though?"

"Yeah," Percy turned to the two girls.

"Don't even think about it." Annabeth said, turning around.

"Have fun Percy." Esmeralda turned to follow Annabeth.

"Oh no you don't." He grabbed Em's arm, pulling her back towards him.


"You're coming with me."

★ 𝟐 𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒆𝒅 ★ p. jackson Where stories live. Discover now