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She was seven years old.

"8... 9... 10! Ready or not here I come." Her brother yelled from the back door of the house. Charles uncovered his eyes and looked around the backyard, his eyes landing on the treehouse. He ran across the grass, "where are you?" He laughed grabbing the rope ladder.

"I'm over here," little Esmeralda said.

The boy laughed and poked his head into the tree house. Em sat in the corner, her head tucked into her knees. "Emmie you can tell me where you're hiding. That's not how you play the game."

"Oh," A frown too over her face.

"It's ok, let's play again." He said, just then, thunder was heard and clouds began to roll across the sky. "But maybe inside."

"Race ya!" Esmeralda laughed and climbed down the latter, running to the door.


Later that night Em curled up in her bed, tucked it tight under the covers. The rain had stopped and they were now left with the heavy winds that swirled in the air outside. The room was steady and dark. The only light came from the little butterfly nightlight plugged into the corner of the room. Little Esmeralda began to drift off into la la land, but her sleep was cut short.

"What are you doing?"

She shot up from the bed, her head whipped from left to right scanning for unwanted intruders. "Hello?"

"You're the problem."

"Where are you?"

"I'm not in you're room, I'm in your mind." The voice laughed.

Em covered her ears to tune out the sinister laughter. "Go away!" She cried.

"I'm sorry, but I can't. I need you to do something for me."

"No, leave me alone."

The voice laughed again, "I'm sorry but I'm afraid that's not an option little one."

"What do you want from me?"



"Run child, you will only cause pain and trouble here. Run, Run far away and don't look back. Run if you love them, RUN!"

The voice faded and Em was left in a cold sweat. She looked around her room slowly. Was she dreaming? No?

She slowly stood, shifting from one foot to the other. Th voice played over and over again in her head 'Run if you love them.' 

She looked at the window, then at her shoes sitting in the corner. She moved slowly, hoping she'd wake up from a nightmare. But instead she slipped on both shoes and made it back to the window.

'Run if you love them.'

She slowly propped open the window and crawled out, landing on the wet grass. She looked back in her room as she shifted from right to left once more.

'Run if you love them.'

She ran.

She didn't know where she was going how far she was going or what would happen if she didn't turn back. But she ran.


Em woke up in the grass. She sat up quickly looking around herself. Only did she calm down when she saw Annabeth sleeping next to her.

"Bad dream?"

She turned around, Percy was sitting a few feet away watching her.

"How'd you know?" She mumbled pushing brown curls away from her face.

★ 𝟐 𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒆𝒅 ★ p. jackson Where stories live. Discover now