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They found a cab driving by and waved him down. In minutes they were squished in the back of his car, as if they had the money to pay for the trip.

"Can you take us to Los Angeles please?"

"That's a far drive, you're gonna have to pay now."

"Um-" she pulled out her casino card. "Do you take casino cards?"

"Some of them."

"Try this." She handed him the green plastic card and he looked at it septically before he swiped it. The numbers rolled across the screen till a green infinity symbol popped up.

His eyes widened, "uh, where too in Los Angeles? Your Higness."

Annabeth seemed to like the 'your highness' as she held her chin up. "Santa Monica Pier please, if you get us there fast you can keep the change."

Those few words were a terrible decision. The cab driver didn't drop below 90mph the entire way there. The drive was long enough for Percy to explain the strange dream he had about a voice. Em tried to listen to him, but soon became lost in her on thoughts.

The stared about the window at the desert as they past miles and miles of nothing. She thought back to a few years ago. How happy she was living at home, knowing nothing about herself. She shifted in her seat feeling something poke her. She reached into her pocket and pulled out the Mythomagic card Nico had given her.

"What's that?" Percy looked at the card in her fingers.

"A kid at the Lotus Casino gave it to me. I feel bad leaving him there." She traced her fingers around the word 'Hades'. "Do you think He's, y'know, how everyone says he is?"


She nodded.

For her sake, Percy wanted to tell her no, and that he'll probably be nice to them since she'd there. But he knew that was as true as a lie, he was the god of death what was there to expect. Then again Esmeralda was the least amount like a child of death, she could have easily been mistaken for a daughter of Aphrodite, or maybe Apollo.

"We're gonna find out." He said with a reassuring smile. Though his eyes gave a different message.

As the sun began to set they grew anxious, knowing what was soon to come. Not to mention Percy's dream about a voice who they couldn't seem to pinpoint, sounded a little too familiar in Esmeralda's head. They were dropped of in Santa Monica as the sun had almost disappeared behind the hills.

The beach looked like the typical movie beaches, carnival rides were lined along the board walk, as well as gift shops and stores. They walked along the polluted beach as the ocean shimmered.

"So, what do we do now?" Grover looked at them.

"Well-" Em was going to suggest finding the entrance at DOA but Percy decided to take a swim. "What are you doing?"

Percy was casually walking into the water. Not looking back or answering Esmeralda he continued to walk.

"This is not the time for a game of Marco Pollo." Em watched as he walked all the way under the water. "Well there goes Princess Ariel."

"He'll be back." Annabeth said.

While they waited, the two girls started playing tik-tak-toe in the sand. Annabeth won the first two times, then finally Em managed to corner her. Percy emerged from the water and waltzed out, completely dry.

"Oh looks who's back, I thought you left us to embrace your true fish-like self."

"Shut up." He grumbled pushing her lightly. He opened his palm to show them the pearls he was given. He explained the whole underwater conversation as well.

★ 𝟐 𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒆𝒅 ★ p. jackson Where stories live. Discover now