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If you've never had a staring contest with a god, imagine having one with a wax sculpture. That should give you a pretty good idea of how Esmeralda felt standing in front of the thrown. She wasn't sure how long they were standing there for but it had to have been at least two minutes by now.


She jumped from the sudden volume. Not expecting Hades to be the first to speak. "Well what?" She was almost annoyed with how arrogant he'd been towards her and her friends.

"Where's the Helm?" He tapped his fingers against the thrown.

Esmeralda crossed her arms to keep her grounded. "We told you, we don't have it. We also don't know how Zeus's lightning bold got in Percy's back pack, and it's stupid to believe that we are lying. Why on earth would we travel all the way across the United States to find it if we had it the whole time?"

Hades opened his mouth to respond but Em was on a roll. "And don't say as an exchange for Percy's mother. Because we only found out she was alive half way through the quest. Giving us quite literally no reason to come here if we already had the bolt. So don't assume and accuse us of anything, because you gods get everything handed to you on a shiny silver platter and just expect to send your children to do your dirty work! So for the last time, we don't know where your helmet is!"

She caught her breath. Her fists had curled up at her sides and her whole body felt hot. She kept a death glazed fixed on her father, not daring to turn away. He returned the same stare, though he looked like he was trying to put together a sentence to respond with.

"Let's go for a walk." He stood abruptly from his thrown and began to descend towards the doors. Em stood, completely and utterly confused by his sudden change of topic. "Are you going to stay?" He said turning to look at her.

The girl hesitantly walked behind him, scared he would turn banish her to the dungeons or set her on fire. While she followed, she got a chance to study him, and his attire. His Greek Tunic was a dark shade of grey, with black patterns etched into the fabric. The longer she looked she realized they were scenes of death: A man being hung, another being stabbed, the list goes on. His imperial gold crown sat perfectly over his dark hair, casting a faint glow over his face.

He led her back out into the court yard, the fury's were still circling over head. She looked up wearily at the leathery beasty, wondering if Hades could send them upon her if she were to say the wrong thing. He walked not far ahead of her in the garden, gently caressing a pink carnation as he passed.

Esmeralda huffed impatiently. "What are we doing?"

The god continued to walk, his hands behind his back. "We're taking a walk."

"Why?" She asked, "why are you not being rude, or locking me up somewhere?"

Hades plucked the flower from its bush, turning it over in his fingers. He made no move to respond to her question which bothered her. Instead he handed her the flower.

She stared at the delicate plant before her, it's pink sapphire encrusted center sparked in the nonexistent light of the underworld. "Are you trying to trap me here forever?"

"It won't." Was all he had to say. She took the flower and held on to it.

"You didn't answer my question."

"Hm, stubborn thing you are. I do not have to be enraged at every hour of the day, do I?"

She paused, then shook her head. "But you still don't have your helm, you have no reason to be nice." It seemed like a silly thing to say but it was true.

"Which you have made clear you do not have, so you will stay here till the helm is returned." His focus was elsewhere but his point was clear: you're a bargain, once I get what is mine, your free.

★ 𝟐 𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒆𝒅 ★ p. jackson Where stories live. Discover now