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Esmeralda stared at the sword in her hands, tilting it back and forth as the shiny black metal caught the sunlight. She was standing outside the forge waiting for her brother to come out so she could say goodbye. As she waited, a whirlpool of nerves swam around in her stomach, she had to stop thinking so negatively or else something bad was destined to happen.

"Emmie?" Charlie waved a hand in front of her face, pulling her out of her trance.

"Oh, sorry. We leave in a few minutes. Just wanted to say goodbye."

He smiled pulling her into a hug, "come back in one piece please."

"I'll try, don't to anything stupid while I'm gone." She laughed into his chest.

"Me? Yeah right." He squeezed her a little tighter before letting go to look at her. "I'm serious, be safe."

Esmeralda nodded before saying one last goodbye and walking towards the camp entry. The rest of the group was already waiting, their first stop: New Jersey.

Argus agreed to drive them away from camp and into the city, but from there, they were on their own.


"We need to catch the next bus." Annabeth said as the walked around New York. Two two girls hadn't seen much of the city in quite a long time, so it was understandable when they looked around in slight awe.

"Alright, to the bus stop then." Em said.

Annabeth led them through busy streets and onto the nearest bus. They sat down occupying two seats on either side. Em watched as three old ladies boarded the bus. They looked like they would knit for fun and then force their grandchildren to wear the hats they made in the middle of July. Halfway through the bus ride, Em because to get anxious. All demigod's were known for having ADHD, but Em physically couldn't not sit still. She bounced her knee up until the point that it annoyed Annabeth, who then forced her to stop. She then found interest in the hem of her shirt, trying to count the stitches. When that didn't satisfy her she resorted to playing pat-a-cake by herself and patting her thighs.

"You're insufferable to sit next to." Annabeth whispered to the brunette girl.

"I try," Em sassed her, but she wasn't paying attention to Annabeth. Instead her eyes had locked on the three old ladies who began to make there way up the isle. She turned to look at Annabeth who had already caught on, then at the boys who seemed to have suspected the same thing as her. Em reached for her sword, wondering what the mist would make it out to be as. That wasn't important to her, as long as it got the job done.

As the ladies got closer Em could hear Percy whisper yell, "that's her, that's Miss. Dodds! I knew she existed!"

Em would have to ask about that later, the current problem lays ahead. As the women got closer they one by one transformed from human to furies, the ugly creatures flapped their leathery wings.

"Oh gods," Annabeth mumbled. The group stood up, both girls had pulled out their blades and Percy had uncapped riptide. This first fury seemed to have beef with Percy and went straight for him, while the other two resorted to the 'less important' people.

Grover and Em had teamed up as the bird like monster flew at them, opening its claws ready to attack. Em swung her sword around trying to weaken the creature in any way. She was relieved when she managed to impale it in the underbelly, it disintegrated in front of her. Grover moved to help Annabeth as she was struggling on her own and Esmeralda moved over to Percy. He seemed unharmed but so did the the fury. She came up behind the beast and moved to stab it, unfortunately the old hag turned to her before she could do anything.

★ 𝟐 𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒆𝒅 ★ p. jackson Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora