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"I Open a Supermarket in the End of the World" by: Night is Cool Like Water

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He noticed the fragrance, but was later distracted by Aina's appearance.
  If Aina had touched Qiao Xuan, then Qiao Xuan must still have a scent on her body.
  The smell of the sewer itself was unpleasant. It had not been cleaned for a long time, and all kinds of smells were mixed together. Before Xiang Nanchuan was fainted, he finally found another scent besides Aina's body. That scent was too weak and very... Easily ignored.
  Aina raised the corners of her lips with a strange smile.
  At the same time, Cheng Baiyu held up the crystal core gun, aimed at the triangular eye above his head, and pulled the trigger.
  An ominous premonition welled up in Xiang Nanchuan's heart. Suddenly he realized something. In the light of the calcium carbide fire, he completed the two movements of twisting and flying. He grabbed the whip thrown by Aina with his right hand and held the crystal core gun with his left hand. He turned around One shot passed.
  Bullets collided violently with bullets, causing fire.
  In just a few movements, cold sweat broke out on Nanchuan's back.
  It was too dangerous. If he hesitated for even a second, Qiao Xuan's life would be gone.
  "Qiao Xuan is up there!"
  After Xiang Nanchuan finished speaking, a figure hanging upside down gradually appeared on the wall. His limbs were nailed to the wall, his head hung down, and his eyes were closed tightly.
  The wind superpower used the wind blade to cut off the stone cuffs that imprisoned Qiao Xuan's limbs. Chen Chong opened his arms to catch Qiao Xuan who fell down. He checked Qiao Xuan's breath. Fortunately, he was still alive.
  This Qiao Xuan also had a difficult life. He was finally saved by the ghost doctor, but fell into the hands of Aina and almost died.
  Qiao Xuan's consciousness slowly returned, and he felt that he was too embarrassed to see Xiang Nanchuan again. He saved her last time, and it was him who saved her again this time. Qiao Xuan suddenly thought, "Since there is nothing in return, why not pledge yourself to me?" This thought.
  Qiao Xuan's dark face turned slightly red. He opened his eyes and his heart dropped to the bottom. He said in a weak voice: "Please let me down."
  Seeing that he was awake, Chen Chong was about to throw him down and whipped him. He threw it across the air, wrapped around Qiao Xuan's ankle, and tried to pull him over. Chen Chong had to grab Qiao Xuan with force, and started a tug-of-war with Aina.
  Qiao Xuan's palm turned into a steel knife, and he slashed hard at the whip. The blade scratched the whip, but the whip still bound Qiao Xuan firmly. The sharp blade did not damage a single thread of the whip.
  What material is this whip made of? Qiao Xuan gasped.
  Mu Helian dodged over, her fingertips popped out sharp nails, hooked the whip and grabbed it, "Fire!"
  The voice fell to the ground, and immediately a fire element user threw a ball of fire, and the whip instantly turned into a fire whip.
  A black shadow flashed quickly, turning towards Nanchuan to avoid Wei Yuan's sneak attack. There was a golden light in his eyes. Suddenly he struck out like lightning, a slight "click" sound sounded, and he neatly broke Wei Yuan's neck.
  How could he know... Wei Yuan stared in disbelief and died in Xiang Nanchuan's hands without even having time to defend himself.
  Aina was indifferent to Wei Yuan's death. She swung her fire whip and turned towards Nanchuan. Her attack became more fierce, and the whip turned into afterimages in the air. Her speed was so fast that almost no one could dodge her whip except Xiang Nanchuan, who had the ability to foresee.
  The whip was wrapped in flames, as if it could burn people as soon as it came close. In just ten seconds, more and more people were struck by the whip, and blood dripped from their faces and arms.
  "Shanshan!" Xu Wanling's shrill scream attracted everyone's attention.
  Triangle Eyes rushed to the Chi family who were surrounded at some point, and chose Chi Shan, who looked the weakest, to attack. He pulled Chi Shan's hair and patted her pale face with a dagger, "Yo yo , Such a thin-skinned little girl, if I accidentally slip, this beautiful face will be ruined."
  Chi Shan's pupils shrank in fear, a pair of black and white pupils, reflecting the triangular eyes. That ugly, twisted face. At this time, Triangle Eyes raised his hand and touched Chi Shan's face, with a lustful look, "What a beautiful girl."
  Chi Shan's face turned pale, her lips trembled, and she said with a cry: "No, don't... don't touch me! "
  Xu Wanling yelled in panic, "Shanshan!" Then she rushed forward and scratched Triangle Eye's face with her sharp nails. Her ferocious eyes seemed to be about to die with Triangle Eye, "Let go of my daughter!"
  " Old woman, get out of here!" Triangle Eyes shook Xu Wanling away impatiently. He smelled the faint fragrance on Xu Wanling's body and looked at her. Although Xu Wanling was old, she took good care of herself. She didn't suffer much after the apocalypse, and her skin was smooth and smooth. Flexible, he tsked twice and opened his mouth to say obscene words, "The old woman looks pretty good, but she was fucked loose and it was not fun to play with."
  Seeing his daughter-in-law and granddaughter being insulted with his own eyes, Chi Tianzong was angry His face turned blue, and Chi Zhonghai was equally angry.
  Xiang Nanchuan squeezed his fingers tightly, and just as he stepped out, a deafening scream of "Ahhhhh--" exploded, Xiang Nanchuan was shocked.
  Blood gushed out from his triangular eyes, mouth and nose, as if he hadn't reacted yet, he just kept raising his hands, and then fell straight down.
  Everyone was shocked by this sudden scene.

  ✓ I Open a supermarket in the apocalypseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora