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"I Open a Supermarket in the End of the World" by: Night is Cool Like Water

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Having had a premonition, he quickly turned around, and the dagger in his hand was instantly replaced by a saber. The tip of the knife pierced its chest, and blood spurted out, dyeing half of Xiang Nanchuan's face red.
  Xiang Nanchuan thrust hard and made sure it was dead. Then he let go and observed the animal in front of him.
  Is it a wolf? Xiang Nanchuan was stunned. Didn't he say that this was not the range of wolves? How come there are wolves?
  In fact, Xiang Nanchuan noticed early in the morning that there was something ambushing nearby. If he didn't use the sepak takraw ball, the other party would not leave, so Xiang Nanchuan took a risk and tried to lure out the peepers behind him.
  Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a wolf.
  Hu Man and the others went to lure away the wolves.
  Xiang Nanchuan noticed that the wolf's eyes were red. He wiped the blood off his face and squatted down to study it carefully. Suddenly there was a sound of footsteps. Xiang Nanchuan looked outside the cave and saw the fat man holding a wolf in his arms. Tuancao, hurriedly came back.
  "Store manager!" The fat man also discovered Xiang Nanchuan. He changed from walking to running quickly and ran in front of Xiang Nanchuan. "I originally wanted to look for something to eat nearby, but I didn't find an animal along the way. There were not even any branches around. No, I ran far away to find some dead grass. I just heard the cry of a wolf and came back quickly." As
  the fat man said, he turned around and saw the body of the wild wolf lying on the ground. He was shocked and said in horror: "There really are wolves. ?!"
  Xiang Nanchuan went over to help light the withered grass and said, "When I woke up, Hu Man and the others were gone. They probably took the wolves away. By the way, where is Chi Yan?" "
  We met at noon. Here we are...well..." The fat man suddenly stopped and let out a cry of pain. He lowered his head in disbelief. At this time, a dagger was stabbed into his lower abdomen.
  Xiang Nanchuan grabbed the dagger and stabbed it in. His tone was cold, "You are not a fat man."
  The fat man opened his mouth and wanted to say that I am, but he could no longer say complete words. The scene in front of him gradually blurred and he moved. He pointed his finger and wanted to stop Xiang Nanchuan, but he no longer had the strength to stop him. Soon he completely lost consciousness...
  Xiang Nanchuan wiped the blood off the dagger and said to himself, "I don't know where Chi Yan went. I We have to find him."
  He walked out of the cave. At this time, the snowflakes fell down and stuck to Xiang Nanchuan's long eyelashes, like crystals dotted with crystal clear crystals, making his face paler.
  It seemed that he was the only one left in the world, and the snowy night in Lingshan was completely silent. The deep and shallow footprints were quickly covered by ice and snow, and finally disappeared.

Chapter 113
  In the white snow, a black figure was moving quickly.
  Chi Yan followed the marks left by Fatty and the others and rushed towards Yizhi Mountain. Unexpectedly, it started to snow on the road. All the marks left on the ground were covered with ice and snow. The surrounding area was completely white. If you didn't pay attention, you would lose your way.
  Chi Yan relied on his strong memory to barely recognize the shape of Yizhi Mountain.
  Chi Yan panted slightly and started running on the snow. The snowflakes fell on his hair and clothes and instantly melted into water.
  After a while, Chi Yan's hair was wet, and the cold and biting water droplets slid down the ends of his hair and dripped into his collar. After a long time, his down jacket was soaked inside and out.
  However, Chi Yan had no time to pay attention to this. As soon as he arrived near Yizhi Mountain, he smelled the scent of wild beasts and suddenly felt bad. He rushed into the cave and saw the fat man lying on the ground.
  Chi Yan's pupils shrank, and he quickly walked over and reached out to feel the fat man's pulse. It was so weak that it was almost non-existent.
  The fat man's face had a look of death, his down jacket was soaked in blood, and there was a wolf corpse next to him. There were no signs of a struggle on the fat man's body. The injury on his lower abdomen seemed to have been caused by a sharp weapon. He should have been attacked unprepared.
  Chi Yan quickly took out the hemostatic medicine and bandages from his backpack. The contents of the backpack were taken from Kuang Hefeng's off-road vehicle. Their supplies had been burned clean along with the Hummer. Fortunately, the Hummer still had a lot of supplies. Time was urgent, so Chi Yan only picked up medicine, dry food and water, and hurriedly hit the road.
  The wound on the fat man's body was not in a vital part. Fortunately, the fat man had a lot of fat in his belly. His thick belly withstood some of the damage. If treated promptly, it would not be life-threatening. But hemostatic drugs alone were of no help. Fatty's body was as cold as ice. Such a cold temperature could directly kill Fatty.
  Chi Yan put the fat man into a rattan ball and placed it on the rattan bed. Then he grabbed a handful of withered grass and lit it. Then he took off his down jacket, used his powers to dry the moisture in the clothes, and then covered the fat man.
  Fatty's life and death are unknown, and the whereabouts of Xiang Nanchuan and Hu Man are unknown. Chi Yan feels like he's falling into an ice cave at this moment. The person who stabbed Fatty must be one of them, is it Hu Man? Kuang Hefeng? Or... Xiang Nanchuan...
  If it's the latter... Chi Yan clenched his fists, then where would Nanchuan go?
  Fortunately, he arrived in time and saved the fat man's life. Otherwise, with that person's temperament, he would have lived with guilt and torture for the rest of his life.
  Chi Yan didn't sleep all night, and the bit of dead grass had long since burned out. Chi Yan lit a fire ball in his palm to keep the fat man warm, and fed him a few mouthfuls of hot water from time to time to maintain the heat in his body. As expected, the fat man developed a high fever in the middle of the night. Chi Yan injected him with an antipyretic injection, and his fever subsided quickly. The physical fitness of a person with superpowers is several times better than that of an ordinary person. If an ordinary person suffered such a serious injury, coupled with the freezing weather, he would definitely die, but a person with superpowers can recover quickly.
  In the second half of the night, the fat man's face gradually recovered. Although he was still pale from excessive blood loss, fortunately the lifeless look on his face disappeared. He covered his lower abdomen and groaned softly, "I hiss..."

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