After The Battle

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Includes: PLATONIC Greenflame, happy-sad vibes, and ofc best big brother Kai

Lloyd’s breathing was short and sparse, and his mind was empty. He couldn't think of a single thing. He was numb. This long battle has taken every single drop of his inner strength, and all that was left of him was a blank slate for any emotion and any action. What came out first would depend entirely on who spoke first out of their shattered group.

Suddenly, Lloyd’s vision, which he hadn't noticed had blurred up, was blocked. The view of the rubble city disappeared and Kai was who stood in front of it. Kai seemed hesitant, opening his mouth to speak but closed it quickly. He smiled gently and carefully placed his hand on Lloyd's shoulder.

“I’m proud of you, Lloyd,” His voice was raspy, tired from the fight himself, but full of sincerity. “Really proud.” His smile grew even wider. Lloyd’s breathing stopped entirely as he looked over Kai’s expression. Everything about it was so… genuine.

In that moment, Lloyd realised that that was all he had ever wanted to hear. His heart started to beat faster as his head started to spin. He sniffled and looked into Kai’s eyes. He wanted to say thanks, but before he was able to formulate any words, sobs escaped his mouth first. Quiet ones. Desperate ones. Kai, quickly letting his big brother skills take over, rushed forward and held Lloyd to make sure he didn't crumble to the ground as he desperately wiped at his eyes, making futile attempts to hold back his cries.

Kai’s mouth hung open as he tried to think of something to say, but in the end decided nothing he could say would be right. Lloyd leaned forward into Kai and hugged him under his arms, burying his face in Kai’s shirt. Kai didn't hesitate to hug back, and as the pair stood together, Kai shushed Lloyd until his crying died down to sniffles. Eventually, Lloyd let out a deep, long, shaky sigh, followed by a gulp.

“Thanks.” Lloyd whispered as his face was no longer stuffed into Kai’s shoulder. Kai let a small smile grow on his face before he couldn't contain a short chuckle.

“Of course, little buddy.” Kai rubbed Lloyd's back and stroked his hair. Lloyd let himself melt away into the comfort Kai’s embrace gave him. He was so, so tired— deathly exhausted —all he wanted to do was sleep; and that is exactly what he did; by accident. Soon, Lloyd’s breathing slowed and Kai noticed how his grip loosened. Kai didn't let go, and instead held him even tighter. Finally, he made eye contact with the others.

They had been silently observing Kai and Lloyd’s moment, hurt themselves by everything. Nya gave him a smile as she wiped her eyes, her head leaning against Jay’s shoulder. Jay had his hand around her shoulders and he was giving a small smug smile to him as well, knowing Kai usually didn't get so soft around them. Cole and Zane stood nearby as well, giving small nods to Kai and glancing at each other. Pixal, Garmadon, and Wu seemed a little speechless, but they too were tired. Mostly Garmadon stared at Kai with an unfound emotion. Confusion? Appreciation? He didn't quite know. But Kai gave him a smile regardless; regardless of everything that Garmadon had caused.

Slowly, Kai released his arms from around Lloyd and picked him up to carry.

“Let’s go home.” Wu said softly, walking up to Kai. Kai nodded and the others mumbled short agreements. Their group, taking one last look at the city, decided to leave the clean up for the next day. Right now, they needed to rest.

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