Jay Wants To Play Minecraft With His Daughters

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Includes: (my) future Jaya AU, Jaya's kids, fluff/wholesomeness

"Jay!! What's up with the girls?" Nya called out of the kitchen as she realised it had gotten quiet.

"Oh, I'm teaching them how to play Minecraft! They're just focused!" Jay called back. "Try to walk forward to that tree over there," Jay leaned down in between the girls, pointing at the screen.

"Ohhh, that's a tree!" Jamie giggled to herself, and Jay laughed along.

"Daddy, I forgot the button again..." Jessie said quietly, stumbling around with her controller.

"It's this joystick on the left, sweets--"

"What do you mean you're teaching them how to play Minecraft!? I thought we agreed that you'd wait until they were 8 to introduce them to games!" Nya stomped into the living room waving around a tea towel.

"Well-- I-- I was going to! I promise! They just saw the sticker on my laptop and wanted to know what it was! I didn't want to miss the opportunity!" Jay frantically explained. Nya sighed.

"Oh please mummy! Minecaft looks so funny! I want to play it!" Jamie turned around and hung over the back of the couch. Nya couldn't help but giggle.

"Minecraft, silly, and fine, I suppose I'll let it slide," Nya said reluctantly.

"Yesss!" Jamie and Jay high-fived, but when Jay turned to Jessie, she was looking down.

"Hey, you alright, sweets? You don't have to play if you don't want to, y'know," Jay said, noticing she'd put down the controller. "You could go help mummy with the cookies!" Jessie looked up at Jay.

"Mummy's making cookies? Yeah, I want to help! Mummyyyy, can I help!?" Jessie called out excitedly, bouncing up from the sofa and running to the kitchen.

"Aw, I wanted to play with Jessie..." Jamie said sadly.

"Don't worry, you have me to play with! And there's plenty left for you to learn!" Jay moved over on the sofa and picked up Jessie's controller. "Now go on, go up to the tree and try to break the trunk with the right trigger..."


"Our girls are so different from each other..." Nya whispered, leaning onto Jay's shoulder.

"I know, I think it's good for them though, they'll grow up being used to people being different and they'll be able to make friends easier, don't you think?" Jay reassured Nya, wrapping his arm around her waist and leaning his head on hers. Nya hesitated. She watched Jamie, Jessie, and their friend, Sadie, sitting up in the tree house, swinging on branches and eating the cookies Nya and Jessie had made. She smiled.

"Yeah, I hope that that's what'll happen."

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