Lloyd's Trip 1/2

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Includes: Greenflame, fluff, just total utter cuteness, one of my fav oneshots
(Told you guys there'd be something wholesome next)

"Your nose is wet."

"And you think yours is dry?" Kai and Lloyd giggled as they stood outside in the snow, sharing one scarf, knowing they wouldn't need to stand far apart.

This was their night. Christmas Eve. Calling it their night always felt possessive to them, but people joked about it more and more, so eventually they found it to be their favourite time of year. However, that didn't stop them from going all out on Halloween.

"I'm gonna miss you, " Kai said quietly, his head leaning on Lloyd's. Lloyd listened to Kai's heartbeat to distract himself just enough so he didn't cry.

"I'll miss you too..." Lloyd whispered back, squeezing Kai tighter. Lloyd's mum was going on a work trip that she counted too long to leave Lloyd alone for and she didn't trust Garmadon, so the both of them were joining her on the trip. They were leaving a week after Christmas and wouldn't be back till the end of March. Kai and Lloyd had never been apart that long since they met, and they were worried that their relationship wouldn't survive.

"How often do you think we'll get to call?" Kai asked Lloyd, looking down to look at him. Lloyd chuckled.

"I mean, I'd say we might get to catch up once or twice a week, but knowing us we'll find a way to talk every day." Kai and Lloyd laughed together and when they opened their eyes, they found their gazes on one another. They kissed and let their hands intertwine. When they came apart they smiled contently and crunched their way through the snow, talking about what they'd do with their last days together before Lloyd left.

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