Losing Family, Gaining Trust TW

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Includes: Kai and Nya angst, comfort, and in general this is another real sad fic guys

Kai's chest was tighter than it had ever been, his breath was so light it looked like he wasn't breathing. His whole world fell apart in front of his eyes.

"I'm sorry, but your parents didn't survive the fire,"

Kai's mouth fell open, the others caught their breaths while Kai's disappeared entirely. Nya covered her mouth with a gasp. After a long pause, the phone spoke again.

"Sir? Are you still there?" In truth, Kai's mind had gone so empty, that you could say he wasn't there, but on autopilot, he was able to gulp and answer.

"Yes, uh, thank you for... informing us..."

"Of course sir, again I'm so sorry for your loss, it's a terrible event and I wish you all the best,"

"Thank you... goodbye..." Kai said quietly and hung up the phone, looking down just enough to not see anyone's expressions. He heard Nya stifle a sob and she fell onto Jay. The tension felt suffocating. Wu stepped over to Kai and placed his hand on his shoulder. Kai looked up with a blank stare. Everyone had concerned expressions. Jay was crying with Nya, Zane had his arm around Cole, and Lloyd was giving Kai the same look Wu had; tear-filled and worried.

Kai shrugged off Wu's hand, anger boiling up from his heart. It's not fair. It's not fair, why our parents!? Why them!? WHY!?

"Kai, and Nya, we're... here for you, all of us," Wu said cautiously but it was still enough to set Kai off. He shot a glare at Wu, about to say all of what his anger wanted to, but he caught himself. Instead, he shoved past him and stormed off around the corner, out of sight. The guys shared confused and concerned glances, how could Kai be angry now?

Silence stood still in the living room for an hour, no one said a word. Everyone breathed carefully and quietly. The only sound was Nya's softened crying, clinging to Jay like she would melt away into the sofa if she let go, and Jay held her just as tightly, having to bite his lip to not start crying again.

An hour passed and Nya's cries had stopped, she only sniffled and rested her head on Jay. Everything was dark and things felt heavy, they would've been having dinner about now but no one had an appetite. It may have been Kai and Nya's parents who had passed, but everyone was affected. Eventually, Nya took a deep breath, the sudden louder sound pierced through the tension and everyone looked to her. She sat up, holding her head in her hands and rocking herself.

"We... we need to go to Kai..." Nya said in a quiet, broken voice. Everyone shared nervous glances.

"Are... are you sure? He seemed not really in the mood for comfort..." Zane asked. Nya looked up with a disappointed expression. Nya slowly stood up and Jay stood with her, making sure she wasn't going to fall like she had fallen on him earlier. Everyone else hesitantly stood up as well and followed Nya as she walked down the hallway and to Kai's door.

She didn't knock, she slowly opened the door, letting it create enough noise so Kai knew they were there. Kai was sitting on his knees, his arms on his bed with his face pressed into the mattress. Nya walked over to Kai and slid down to the floor beside him, while the others hesitated at the door, waiting for a signal from Kai or Nya that they could come and sit down to comfort the both of them. Nya leaned her head back against the bed and took a deep breath before turning to the side.

Kai's head slowly turned and he looked at Nya with an exhausted expression which she returned. He drew his breath as he slowly slid down the side of the bed and rested his forehead on Nya's shoulder, hugging her arm.

His eyes were shut tightly, he couldn't let himself cry. He wouldn't. When he opened his eyes a bit he noticed the others standing at his door. He glanced up at them with a searching look, were they mad at him?

But he only found concerned frowns and loving eyes only wanting to help. He let himself relax and shrugged the tiniest bit, telling them he didn't care whether they stayed or left, but all of them chose to stay. Lloyd sat down beside him, Cole in front of him, Zane beside Cole, Jay next to Nya, and Wu in front of Nya; in a big crooked oval. Kai found himself relax entirely. He zoned out and sat down more comfortably, still holding Nya's arm.

Before he knew it, he had started crying; tears silently fell as he stared absently at the floor. Lloyd gave a dejected look at him and wiped his tears away; it brought Kai back from his dissociation and he looked at Lloyd and released what he was doing. He wiped his cheek and when he felt it was wet he bit his lip. He hated crying.

But then, he looked back at Lloyd who only looked back with an even more worried expression. He could see Kai holding back the tears and he didn't like it. The hurt look that Lloyd had from just Kai holding back tears, is what sent him over the edge. A sob came up in his throat and he wasn't strong enough to stop it. He took his arms from Nya and covered his face, he didn't want them to see him bawling his eyes out.

But Nya only rested her head against Jay's shoulder as Kai sobbed more, looking at him with an almost content expression. Kai letting go of his bottled-up emotions wasn't something easy to achieve, and she knew it wasn't her who had gotten him to that point.

She glanced at Lloyd who stared at her with a baffled expression, why wasn't she comforting Kai? But the small smile she gave him was enough for him. He hesitated but moved himself closer to Kai and reached his arm around his shoulder. Kai accepted it and leaned onto Lloyd The comfort he gave him made him sob even more. He had felt so hurt and everything had seemed to hate him, yet... here he was, surrounded by everything that didn't hate him.

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