2. My Kids Need Me

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Hina was at school.. It has been one week in school, and she is really enjoying it.. She made some new friends, and is reading lots of new books and it sounded good for her..

Suddenly i had an emergency work in the city.. There was a fire in a government building and I have to go cover it.. Although as a journalist, this isn't my job.. Basically my job is nothing..

Joining for three months only, i am just an assistant.. And I do anything my boss asks me to do.. From bringing coffee, to shooting afternoon gossip on tv..(somehow they thought i do gossip tv better than everyone, which is scary for me.. I never did gossip in school, nor ever in my life..)

So the girl who was supposed to report this incident is on her wedding holiday, so i have to fill in for her.. I don't like showing my face to the tv.. Being a journalist was on my list of things to do, but I never wanted to be on tv.. I wanted to travel around the world, and interview a lot of good people, and see a lot of things.. But this is not what i imagined..

I will be there from the morning till night.. Thankfully we have pumped milk in store for subin.. Hina is at school, mom will pick her up, but then who will take care of subin in the meantime.. As soon as this occurred to me, I called mom..

Yn's mom- hello???

Yn- mom.. If you go to pick up hina, then who will take care of subin?? Are you taking subin with you?? Please take care of my boy..

Yn's mom chuckled- don't worry.. I am not abandoning you son.. Jungkook picked up hina and he is coming home.. He wants to spend sometime with subin..

Yn paused- ohh.. Okay..

I don't know why... I don't feel comfortable by the thought of him spending the entire day with my kids.. His kids also.. But still..

I didn't have any other option, I had to do reporting.. So I focused on my work...

It was at 7 pm when a girl came to replace me in the scene.. And I was hell tired.. And all the fire, and stuff, wasn't helping.. I was hella scared..

I quickly took a cab and went home.. As soon as I entered.. I shouted for my kids..


Hearing me hina came from inside running.. She was smiling brightly.. I crouched down, and grabbed her in my arms.. I felt at peace for the first time in the whole day.. My heart feels calm now.. My baby is in my arms..

Yn- how are you kid?? You missed mommy???

Hina- ya mommy.. Hina missed you.. And hina loves you.. But you smell so bad mommy..

Yn chuckled- ya.. Bcz mommy was working.. But now I am here.. Now I will quickly shower and feed you dinner.. Okay???

Hina pulled apart- no need mommy.. Daddy is already feeding me pizza..

Yn gasped- daddy??

Hina- ya mommy... daddy is here.. He picked me up from the school, and then he gave me a shower, and changed Subin's nappies too.. He ordered pizza... i asked him to wait for you, but he said, you will come back at any minute.. Look, you came back quickly..

Yn smiled- ya.. Good.. go finish your food.. Okay..

Hina ran to the room, and I followed her.. And peaked in the room.. He was on the bed, holding Subin in his lap, and feeding him baby food.. And subin maybe eating it..

Hina- daddy.. Look mommy is back.. But she smells funny...

Jungkook looked up, and our eyes met.. It felt like time stopped.. I so wanted to run to him and hug him close, and tight, the way we used to, but there is so much gap between us that can never be skipped by a hug.. He nodded...

You Are Mine: Always, Forever 🔞حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن