(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 10

Start from the beginning

Y/n: "Feel free to study him over there so you can have more space"

Prime Y/n: "Thanks"

This now left Y/n with Peter and Gwen.

Peter: "What are we gonna do?"

Y/n: "Help out wherever you can. I'll be here when you need me for anything"

Peter: "Sounds good"

Peter then goes and helps out one of the Y/ns working on their respective contingency plan. Gwen, however, remained behind, deciding to sit on the table beside Y/n's console.

Gwen: "Hey..."

Y/n: "Hey..."

Y/n sighs, running his hands through his hair before sitting down.

Gwen: "Listen, about what I said about you before...I might've come on a bit harsh-"

Y/n: "No...No, that's okay. I really needed to hear that. Thank you, Gwen"

Gwen: *giggles* "Don't mention it..."

After their conversation, Y/n's mood quickly flipped.
This didn't go unnoticed by Gwen, seeing signs of distress on Y/n's face, however slightly, but the most notable detail was Y/n's hand, quivering on the metal surface.

In an act of comfort, Gwen places her hand over Y/n's. This caused the male to shoot his head up and stare at Gwen in shock.

Y/n: "What...are you doing?"

Gwen: "Did you know...from the times we've spent together, I've gotten good at reading your emotions. And I can tell something's been bothering you"

Y/n: "Well...maybe I got a good poker face, and it's throwing off your game"

Gwen: "Y/n...tell me what's wrong. You can tell me anything that's on your mind..."

Y/n took this moment to earnestly stare into Gwen's eyes before sighing exasperatedly.

Y/n: "I'm scared, Gwen. Terrified, even. I don't know what to do if he comes back or if I even have what it takes to beat HIM"

Gwen: "Y/n, from what I could tell from your plans, these guys are small fry. What are you trying to say you don't got what it takes?"

Y/n: "I'm not talking about them..."

Y/n looks around cautiously before scooting closer to Gwen.

Y/n: "There's someone else, someone...far worse than ANY that I've fought. THANOS is a cakewalk compared to this guy"

Y/n squeezes Gwen's hand for comfort, prompting her to squeeze Y/n's hand in return.

Y/n: "I know you might think it's hard to believe, but you just had to be there. That...that THING, nearly got the jump on me several times. I don't know if I could beat him, Gwen. If he even IS beatable"

Gwen: "Hey..."

Gwen inches closer to Y/n and pulls him in for a hug.

Gwen: "Impossible or not, you'll always find a way to come out on top. You're doubting yourself again, Y/n"

Y/n: "Maybe I am...but that's normal, right?"

Gwen: "You said it..."

From a distance, Peter watched the scene unfold along with Y/n's spider-variants.

Matured Y/n: "Ahh, love~"

Prime Y/n: "Seems we have a deep connection with Gwen no matter the universe"

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