Ole Sky Daddy and Mama must've forgotten that feature when they made me because the third guy was worse. At least the other two hadn't opened their mouths too much about me. That I know of, that is. But it didn't matter if they talked because the third guy made up for the gossip by telling everyone I was a freak.

Not a sex freak. We only had a heavy makeout session at my house after he gave me a ride home from his baseball game. I thought I'd get lucky if I stuck with a guy in my grade and at my own school where I'd know if he had a girlfriend. It was possible only older guys were jerks.

So I let him push my shirt up when he kissed me.

He told everyone I had no nipples.

Apparently, I looked like a plastic doll to him. Why? Because he didn't turn me on and thought girl's nipples were always super erect. He just kissed my boobs with the most room-temperature mouth on a warm day. No chill, no sparks. It was sloppy and awkward. My body was not impressed, and my headlights didn't flash.

So, here I am, the nipple-less girl who tries to steal other girls' boyfriends. At least when the morons think it's funny to paste my head over a naked doll's face, the doll has a nice nipple-less rack and a trimmer waist than mine.

I'm pretty sure my entire grade thinks I was born without a vagina, too.

Maybe I'll become a spinster. I like cats. I can get some cats and develop a crazy cat lady persona. If I'm lucky, maybe those guys will live in my neighborhood when we grow up. I can sit on my porch and scare the shit out of their kids.

Beware the Nipple-less Cat Lady. I steal your nipples away if you look me in the eyes, your vagina if you step on my grass.

At least I'll have a way to entertain myself. I don't look forward to it, though. I'm eighteen, seven months from graduation, and friendless.

Yeah, that best friend of mine up and moved without a word to me shortly after her brother fingered and didn't linger on me. She was probably taught the same manners as her brother because she told everyone but me, her best friend, that she was moving. My second best friend did the same if you could believe it. She also introduced me to the cheating boyfriend, knowing he had a girlfriend. I wouldn't be surprised if she had been the person to expose me to his girlfriend.

Sighing, I use my pen to scribble another star on the toe of my Converse. It might be time to beg my dad for another pair. I've got very little room left to continue my art. It helps the day go by.

The same annoying hushed whisper I hear every time I have English class practically echoes in the quiet room, "Hey, Nipp-less."

A few snickers erupt, but I'm used to it and don't react.

"Aw, come on, Colette," Chris Johnson says, poking my shoulder from behind. "I'm kidding."

I don't look at him, but my gaze still shifts away from my crooked stars and to the man-boy of every girl at Silverheim High's dreams, Gabe Christos. His hazel eyes are not on me, thank the universe. His attention is on Mrs. Anderson as she drones on about story outlines. I gave up listening because words become gibberish whenever someone speaks about writing. I'll be better off trying to read a lesson online when it's time to do the assignment.

Gabe Christos, though, demands attention from anyone attracted to men.

He's resting his chin on one hand, twirling a pencil in the other that stretches across his desk. I swallow, transfixed again by the veins in his arms. I don't know if his warm brown skin makes them stand out more than other boys because they don't seem to have such mesmerizing details on their hands and arms. I just know my slightly lighter skin tone doesn't draw my attention the way he does.

I wonder if he feels hard or soft. His skin is just unbelievably flawless, and he's so muscular. Most of the guys are still on the less bulky side, but Gabe is over six feet and filled out in every way.

My attention settles on his neck because he just swallowed. Why the heck is an Adam's apple attractive? Is it just his? Is it because it draws my gaze to his sharp jawline, then his high cheekbones, and those ridiculously beautiful hazel eyes of his? Of course, he has dark eyelashes to match his black, shoulder-length hair.

Did I mention he's the top bad boy at our school? Well, he is. He gets into fights, smokes, rides a motorcycle, or drives his old muscle car that I don't know the type of, and he's known as a sex god.

He checks every one of my book-boyfriend categories. They are not supposed to really exist!

A few chuckles behind me remind me that Chris and his buddy Brandon are watching me. I'm so lucky they fit harassing me into their daily schedule.

The laughter draws Gabe's attention. I curse my stupid burning cheeks because it only takes Gabe a second to shift from Chris to me.

I want to run but drop my gaze to my Converse again and let my long black hair shield me. I used to braid it, but leaving it down has its benefits.

Chris laughs again. "You gotta another fan, Gabe."

I don't even bother telling him to shut up. Gabe's caught me staring plenty since he moved to town six months ago. He's my fucking neighbor.

"Mr. Johnson," Mrs. Anderson snaps. "Would you like to share with the class what is so important that you must yell across the room to Mr. Christos?"

She must want to get hexed.

Chris and Brandon snicker to each other before Chris says, "Just informing Gabe that he's distracting Colette from your lesson."

The class laughs, and Mrs. Wants Her Tires Slit doesn't hush them. Instead, she's calling my fucking name. "Colette, look up from your doodling this instant."

This bitch seriously wants me to vagina-kick her. I'll do it too.

In my dreams.

Chris vibrates with silent laughter when I lift my head. I don't dare look at Gabe. Maybe he didn't hear.

"Now," my soon-to-be cursed teacher says, "do I have to pause class for you to ogle Mr. Christos, or may I continue?"

The class roars with laughter, yet I can feel Gabe's burning gaze against my face and the sting in my eyes as I snap, "Please continue. I prefer learning about story outlines while staring at the spinach stuck in your teeth over Mr. Christos's sexy muscles."

Gasps erupt throughout the room, and Mrs. Anderson's mouth snaps shut.

I can't believe I said that. I had given up on pretending Gabe never noticed me looking at him, but I prefer to keep a low profile. Guess I'm starting my scary spinster resume early.

"Principal's office," Mrs. Anderson screeches behind her hand. "Now!"

Standing, I gather my things and smile brightly at Chris and Brandon before whispering, "Don't worry. I won't tell anyone I heard Candace complaining about your premature ejaculation problem." His eyes widen, and his face flushes pink. "Seeya, boys."

With a wink, I turn my back on him and march toward the door. But I might as well go out with a bang, so I stop in front of Gabe's row of desks and look him dead in the eyes. "You look the hottest in baby blue. In case you really wanted to bless my mortal eyes."

His neutral expression remains blank, but I wasn't expecting much. He never reacts when he catches me looking. In fact, he usually looks bored-sometimes angry. So it doesn't sting too badly when he shifts his gaze from me to the phone that's lit up on his desk.

"Out," Mrs. Anderson shouts.

Chuckling at the fact that some of my classmates are recording this whole thing, I grab the hem of my oversized hoodie and curtsey before turning and exiting the classroom.

The door shuts with a bang, and I stand in the hall to let everything hit me. "What the fuck have I done?"

--Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? readers... and new readers, of course, I just want to quickly share I am posting a fresh edit of the Big Bad Wolf trilogy for a new hardcover edition on Wattpad. So pop over to my profile if you want to see Kylie, Logan, and the whole gang one last time on Wattpad. Also, follow me on TikTok & IG: janiemarie1617 to stay up to date and watch out for giveaways.

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