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Copyright © 2024 by Janie Marie

All rights reserved.

Welcome! This is a rough draft. There will be mistakes. You are welcome to point them out, but please just try to enjoy the story. A final draft will receive editing and rewrites offline. I am posting here to help keep myself motivated, as I am dealing with memory issues that had me fearing I'd never write again. So please comment as much as you like. It really can be the best motivator when a writer is struggling. I just ask that everyone be respectful to each other and me.

This story is for readers 18+ as it will contain mature content. Super graphic scenes will be altered or omitted from the WP version and eventually available on a published version.

Also, random, I've been teaching myself digital art for a few months and made the cover and the artwork for it-hence the amateur vibes. Please feel free to provide feedback because I want to get better. I think it helps me stay motivated and brings me back to writing.



The first boy I was intimate with was two years older than me. He was also my best friend's brother. It sounds like the start of a forbidden romance until you realize I was only twelve, hadn't gone through puberty-a late bloomer, I know, and he fingered me in the middle of a movie. He then acted like I was invisible when he decided he was done fondling me.

It didn't even feel good, and a year later, I realized I never gave him permission to touch me. I just froze in shock and fear when he put his hand on my thigh and then moved it between my legs. Then I felt embarrassed when I was treated like nothing. No one told me that you could still be sexually assaulted when you have a crush on the guy. Because he was older and knew exactly what he was doing, he knew I had a crush and was inexperienced, so he took what he wanted.


The second boy was also older, but I had at least gone through puberty, and I did give consent. However, my first experience still had me paranoid that I'd done something wrong for him to ignore me the way he had. So I had planned to do anything to please this new boy so he wouldn't ignore me.

I was older, not wiser because I didn't know him well enough to know he had a girlfriend.

I almost got my ass beaten by the girl and her friends when she found out he'd gone to my house to fool around with me. We hadn't gone all the way, thankfully, but it had been my first time touching back. My first time having a guy I liked pressing his body against mine, lips locked on mine. But I should've known a hot, older guy was just looking for someone to play with because his girlfriend was smarter than me. She didn't let him go too far with her-hence him wanting someone younger he could manipulate to let him touch. His girlfriend was nice, though. I guess she knew she had a jackass for a boyfriend because she believed me when I told her I hadn't known he was with anyone. She even got her posse off my back. She's among the few good memories I have of middle school girls.

We didn't become friends, but I haven't forgotten her. In a way, I kind of wish I could be like her. You know, lots of loyal friends, worthy of girlfriend status, and one with enough grace to not blame the girl when their boyfriend was at fault.

After dipping my toes into the boyfriend-stealing business, I decided to wait a while before trusting a guy again. But even still, sometimes an idiot would tell someone they thought I'm pretty or they like me. I don't even have to reciprocate a guy's feelings for their fans to decide I'm a problem that must be dealt with.

But, since I lost either way, I decided there was no point waiting when I turned sixteen. Only one way to find out if the third time was a charm, right?

The Bad Boy Kissed Me *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now