Chapter 44 ~ Laying low

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In a hidden location the air thickened with tension as Pucci erupted in furious frustration. His plan to rattle Jotaro had crumbled, thanks to the unforeseen interference of an ally with golden hair, a figure whose name remained elusive to Pucci.

The room quivered with Pucci's seething anger. His subordinates, Aoi and the hooded man exchanged hesitant glances, absorbing the weight of their failure. They both remained silent, observing Pucci's fury with an air of detachment.

Aoi trembled slightly as he was the first to speak, addressing Pucci's ire, "Father Pucci, we apologize for our failure. Hiroshi and this new ally managed to steal Josephine's stand discs. We couldn't stop them."

Pucci's eyes narrowed, his frustration deepening into a contemplative rage. Clenching his fists, he grappled with the implications of this unexpected setback.

"You imbeciles! Failing to secure those discs jeopardizes everything. Do you comprehend the consequences of your incompetence? Ankoku, your torturing stand should have taken care of them no problem, what in God's name happened?"

Ankoku replied with calm authority, attempting to redirect the focus.

"Father Pucci, before I explain, let me say that our priority now should be regaining your full power without attracting attention. Exposing ourselves prematurely could be disastrous. It should also be noted that when me and Aoi were going to face off against young Hiroshi and his friend, it was barely a blink of an eye and we were both beaten to fucking pulps on the floor, I'm sure it was Jotaro who stepped in, had he had longer with his time stop we'd probably both be dead."

Pucci nodded, taking a moment to compose himself. Sensing his master's calm, Ankoku continued.  "His new ally, whatever his name is has some type of ability, when he hit me not only did he hit me hard, it also stopped Cruciare's ability as though it never happened. Hiroshi stood up like he'd never been tortured at all, not a sign of pain whatsoever. I fear, Father Pucci, that if this is a stand that can truly reverse effects as I previously said, it could be a drastic enemy to Made in Heaven." 

Pucci paced back and forth as he recognized the urgency of adapting to this unforeseen challenge. The pursuit of Jotaro and Josephine had become even more critical, and Pucci was determined to reassert control over the unfolding events. If he could at least lie in wait until his stand reached Made in Heaven and activated its effects without being found, he would still achieve his Heavenly Plan. 


Jotaro's room served as a visual map of their relentless pursuit of Pucci, adorned with photos, notes, and leads that seemed to multiply with each passing day. The mounting frustration etched across Jotaro's face was palpable as he paced back and forth, contemplating the elusive priest's whereabouts.

A soft knock on the door interrupted Jotaro's restless thoughts. The door creaked open, revealing Josephine, attempting to bring a light touch to the tense atmosphere. "Guess who?" she chimed, entering with a small smile.

Jotaro acknowledged her presence with a nod, weariness in his eyes. Josephine observed the room, a silent testament to the tireless efforts they had all invested in tracking down their enemy. Stepping closer, she spoke in a comforting tone, "Jotaro, you've been at this for days. At least take a short break, clear your mind."

Jotaro sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I can't afford to take a break, Josephine. Every day he eludes us is a step closer to activating Made in Heaven. We can't let that happen."

She nodded in understanding, but her concern persisted. "I get it, but you won't be any good to anyone if you burn yourself out. We'll find him, but you need to take care of yourself too."

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