Chapter 38 ~ We have a Plan

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Early the next Sunday morning, the Kujo household held an air of anticipation. Jotaro, Giorno, Polnareff, and Holly gathered in the living room, discussing their next move. The recent revelation about Pucci's actions and Josephine's vulnerable state had fuelled their determination to act. 

As the group contemplated their options, a knock echoed through the house. Jotaro answered and Hiroshi stood at the door, a look of resolve on his face. No greeting was necessary, he stepped aside to allow him in before sliding the door shut. Everyone eagerly gathered, anticipating what he was going to say. 

"I've been thinking," he began, "there's a chance Josephine's stand might be hidden in one of the rooms at the back of the church. I've devised a plan, but I won't go through with it without your permission."

Hiroshi looked upon everyone's focussed gazes, taking deep breath before explaining his plan, "Alright, here's what I'm thinking. During the hour before Pucci starts his sermon, I'll sneak around to the back of the church. I'll search the rooms there for Josephine's stand. If I don't find anything within fifty minutes, I'll leave to make sure I have enough time to get out safely."

Jotaro listened attentively, his expression unreadable. Giorno and Polnareff exchanged glances, silently acknowledging the risks involved. After Hiroshi finished outlining his plan, a heavy silence lingered in the room.

Jotaro, his mind whirring with calculations and potential outcomes, paced back and forth. The weight of the decision pressed upon him as he considered the urgency of Josephine's situation. The delicate balance between seizing an opportunity and safeguarding Hiroshi's well-being played out in his mind.

Finally, Jotaro stopped and looked directly at Hiroshi. "This is a risky plan and I won't put your life on the line without careful consideration. If we decide to proceed, it'll be with caution and precision."

Hiroshi nodded in understanding. The room fell silent again as each member of the group contemplated the potential gains and the inherent risks. Jotaro continued to pace, his mind racing.

Jotaro then abruptly stopped his pacing, his decision forming in his mind. "Hiroshi, you can't go about this alone. Giorno, you will go with him. Since you're not known to Pucci, it might help in case he spots you. Hiroshi, you can act as if you're showing Giorno around or something. Be cautious, though. We need to avoid confrontations."

Giorno nodded in agreement. "I'll do my best to keep things discreet should it come to it."

Jotaro turned to Polnareff, "Polnareff, are you okay with staying here with my mom and Josephine?"

Polnareff nodded, a sense of determination in his eyes. "I'll keep an eye on things here, don't worry."

Jotaro nodded affirmatively, "Good, then I will keep myself hidden somewhere outside the church, if I'm needed, we can communicate through ear pieces, the Speedwagon foundation can get us some within half an hour."

With roles assigned, the group began to prepare for the upcoming operation. The tension in the room escalated, each member feeling the weight of the impending mission and the fate of Josephine hanging in the balance.


Jotaro quietly stepped into Josephine's room, the soft hum of medical equipment the only audible sound in there for the past couple weeks, he was sure it would be stuck in his mind for some time. He approached her, his gaze lingering on the monitors displaying her vital signs. The room seemed to close in on him as he observed the subtle changes in her condition.

Her once pale complexion now also appeared clammy, a stark reminder of the toll this ordeal had taken on her. Her heartrate in the previous couple of days had begun to show random palpitations  on top of already being quite weak. It was a grim indicator of her body's steadily weakening state. Jotaro clenched his fists, he couldn't allow her to endure this any longer.

He took a moment to collect himself before speaking, his voice barely above a whisper, as if afraid the walls themselves might betray their conversation. "Josephine, I hope this is the last time I see you like this. We're running out of time, but today... today might be the day we get you back."

He reached out to gently cup her face, his thumb brushing against her cheek. His eyes traced the lines of her features, as if committing every detail to memory. "Hang in there, kid. We're going to fix this. I promise."

A faint, wry smile tugged at the corner of his lips. "Most people don't appreciate teenagers taking such long naps. I'll be back soon. You better be ready for a lecture about responsibility when you wake up."

With that, he straightened up and left the room, his steps purposeful as he re-joined the group.


The Speedwagon driver brought the trio to a halt near the imposing church on the outskirts of the city. Tension hung in the air as Jotaro, Hiroshi, and Giorno geared up for the high-stakes mission that awaited them within the sacred walls.

Hiroshi's parents, understanding the gravity of his request for a day off, believed he was visiting a sick friend. It wasn't entirely untrue, but the reality of his mission involved stands, a deadly priest, and a disc holding the key to saving a life. As the car door opened, the trio stepped onto the pavement, securing earpieces for seamless communication during their covert operation.

Jotaro, choosing to stay inconspicuous, positioned himself just outside the church gate. His stoic expression betrayed none of the emotions that simmered beneath the surface. He was a silent guardian, ready to act if the situation demanded.

Hiroshi, though determined, couldn't completely conceal the nerves that gripped him. This was no ordinary visit to the church, and the weight of the situation pressed heavily on his shoulders.

"Alright, guys. Let's stick to the plan," Hiroshi said, attempting to infuse confidence into his voice. "Giorno, stay close, and remember, we need to find Josephine's stand before the sermon ends."

Giorno, calm and collected, exuded an air of focused readiness.

"Don't worry. We'll get this done. Just keep your wits about you, Hiroshi," He replied, a reassuring nod accompanying his words.

Jotaro, standing just beyond the church gate, watched as Hiroshi and Giorno moved toward the entrance. The plan was set, but the unpredictability of stand battles always kept him on edge.

"Stay sharp, you two. If anything feels off, get out immediately." Jotaro's voice crackled through their earpieces, his authoritative tone cutting through the tension. 

Hiroshi nodded in acknowledgment, the weight of Jotaro's words adding to the gravity of their mission. They were entering dangerous territory and Jotaro's vigilance served as a constant reminder of the stakes involved.

"Got it, Mr. Kujo," Hiroshi replied, trying to match Jotaro's seriousness. Giorno remained silent but attentive, his green eyes reflecting the determination shared by the entire group.

Hiroshi led Giorno to the back entrance, the gravity of the impending mission etched on their faces. The plan was reiterated—enter during the sermon, locate Josephine's stand, and retrieve it before time ran out.

Two minutes before the designated time, Hiroshi exchanged a glance with Giorno, the silent acknowledgment of their shared goal. With a tap on his earpiece, Hiroshi signalled Jotaro that they were about to step into the lion's den. The air was thick with anticipation as they prepared to infiltrate the church and confront the dangers within.


Jolyne stood beside Josephine in the ethereal void, their souls connected in the ocean expanse. As they observed the unfolding events in the living world, Jolyne broke the silence with words that resonated with a mixture of encouragement and confidence, her hand resting on Josephine's shoulder.

"Hey, kid, this is it," Jolyne said, her voice carrying a blend of reassurance and conviction. "They're gonna get you back home."

Josephine, unable to speak in the same way, expressed her gratitude and solidarity by raising her hand to cover Jolyne's, gripping the warmth that resonated from her soul. The unspoken communication between them conveyed a shared understanding and a bond that transcended the confines of the void. In that space, their connection echoed the strength of the group working to save Josephine's life.

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