Chapter 40 ~ An Emotional Awakening

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Jotaro, Giorno, and Hiroshi hurried back to Jotaro's home, a sense of urgency propelling them forward. The trio burst into the house, and the sight of Holly and Polnareff in the lounge caught their attention. Holly's hands clasped together in anxious anticipation, and Polnareff wheeled his chair closer, hope etched across his face. "Did you guys do it?"

In response, Jotaro nodded, a decisive affirmation. Without wasting a moment, he made his way toward Josephine's room and the others followed closely behind. As they gathered outside her door, Jotaro entered the room and the speedwagon doctors, already attending to Josephine, stepped back upon seeing what Jotaro held in his hands. Steadily, he knelt beside her.

The room held a collective breath as Jotaro carefully cupped one side of Josephine's face, preparing to initiate the critical process of reinserting her stand and memory discs. No words were spoken, the moment rendered everyone momentarily silent.


In the void that held the souls of Josephine and Jolyne, the vision of Jotaro carefully placing Josephine's stand and memory discs back into her played out. As the scene unfolded, Josephine's emotions swirled within her soul; relief, joy, astonishment, but a sudden pang of heartache emerged, casting a shadow on her expression. Seeing Josephine's face drop, Jolyne moved forward, placing her hands on Josephine's shoulders. "What's the matter kid? They did it. You're going home." Jolyne reassured.

Josephine looked up at Jolyne, gratitude evident in her eyes. "I'm so glad, truly I am, more grateful than words can say, but..."

"But?" Jolyne gently probed.

Looking Jolyne in the eyes Josephine continued, "But you're going to be all alone again, not just that, I-I feel like I'm losing a friend...I'm really going to miss you Jolyne."

Chucking softly, Jolyne tightened her grip on her shoulders, "I'll miss you too kid, I really will. But you don't need to worry about me, thanks to you I've got something I haven't had in five years; hope." 

Josephine's face swelled up with emotion as Jolyne prepared to say something else.

"I know this is a tough ask but, don't tell my dad about this place, it will be too much for him to handle. Old man needs to be focussed. When this fight is over, he can know."

Unable to contain herself any longer, Josephine pulled Jolyne into a tight embrace. Jolyne, caught off guard only for a moment, warmly accepted the hug. In her confident and tough voice, she told Josephine to make sure to kick Pucci's ass. Josephine promised, vowing to free her soul from Pucci's shackles. The bond between the two, forged in this strange and ethereal realm, was a source of strength as Josephine prepared to return to the world of the living.

"Oh, and Josephine, one more thing. When you face Pucci, will you give him a message from me..."


The transition was disorienting for Josephine, caught between the sensations of weightlessness and a heavy anchor pulling her down. In the vast blackness that enveloped her, she struggled to discern reality from the void. Gradually, the steady beeping of a monitor penetrated her consciousness, initially faint but growing louder.

As awareness returned to her body, stiffness and discomfort followed, aching from weeks of disuse. Her head throbbed, and the rush of returning sensations overwhelmed her. The fluttering of her eyelids, a slow and deliberate process, eventually revealed a dimly lit room. Vision, initially blurred, gradually focused.

A gentle yet firm voice reached her ears, calling her name repeatedly. Turning her head to the left required considerable effort and as her gaze focused, the deeply worried face of Jotaro came into view. With each passing moment, the details of her ordeal and the memories from the void flooded her mind.

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