Chapter 2 ~ Contemplation

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Josephine's determination burned like an unquenchable flame as she navigated the bustling corridors of her new school. The day's classes had passed in a blur of unfamiliar faces and incomprehensible lessons, her mind fixated on a singular goal; finding Jotaro Kujo.

Rumors had swirled among the students about the enigmatic man who had intervened on her behalf. She found out he was a biology teacher at the school and there was whispers of him being someone with exceptional knowledge in his field of marine life but science wasn't on her mind; she needed his guidance, his expertise in controlling the untamed power that simmered within her.

As she neared the biology department, a glimmer of hope surged within her chest.

Pushing open the door to the biology lab, Josephine's eyes scanned the room, searching for a familiar silhouette. Her heart sank as she realized he wasn't there and that the room was empty. Disappointment clawed at her, threatening to extinguish the flicker of hope she had nurtured.

She hesitated, considering her next move, when the sound of footsteps approaching made her turn. It was one of the students from earlier—the ringleader of the group that had cornered her in the hallway.

"So, you decided to show your face again, huh?" he sneered, flanked by his cronies who loomed behind him like shadows. His silver white hair was short and wavy, and his height matched her own. He was pale skinned and wore his uniform with his blazer jacket tied around his waist, sleeves of his undershirt rolled up with his fists clenched to his sides.

Josephine's pulse quickened, her mind racing for an escape route. She couldn't afford to engage in a fight, she could barely hold her own herself and with an incredibly reactive stand that wreaked havoc whenever she was upset only exacerbated things. But the bullies seemed determined to finish what they had started earlier in the day, their faces contorted with malice.

Before she could react, the situation escalated. The lead lunged forward, his fist aimed at Josephine. Panic surged within her, and in that split second, her Stand materialized once more, a dazzling manifestation of her fear and desperation. The energy surged forth, creating a barrier that deflected the assailant's blow, sending him stumbling backward in shock as he groaned in pain, some books being knocked off their shelves and papers flew into the air.

The rest of the bullies hesitated, their expressions morphing from arrogance to uncertainty as they witnessed the power Josephine displayed. It was a fleeting moment, a brief glimpse into her  mysterious capabilities. As he stood, the head of the group's eyes narrowed as though he was examining in his head what had happened...could he see it?

But before anything progressed a familiar voice resonated through the room—a voice tinged with authority and undeniable presence.

"What is the meaning of this?"

The students turned, their faces a mix of surprise and unease as Jotaro Kujo stepped into the room once more, his gaze fixed on Josephine.

She felt a rush of relief at his arrival, a sense of hope rekindling within her. But Jotaro's expression remained stoic, unreadable, as he assessed the situation.

"One of you speak up right now, what happened here?" he asked, his voice calm yet edged with an underlying intensity as he scanned the mess in his classroom.

Josephine looked at him, her breaths coming in ragged gasps as adrenaline coursed through her veins. "I... I was trying to defend myself," she managed to say, her voice still quivering with residual fear.

Jotaro regarded her silently for a moment, his eyes narrowing in contemplation. There was a glimmer of something in his gaze-but he seemed totally impossible for her to read.

Their quiet moment was fleeting, disrupted by the bullies' defiant snarls. "She's the freak with the weird powers! We're just trying to teach her a lesson," spat one of the the ringleader's accomplices, his bravado wavering under Jotaro's scrutinizing gaze.

Jotaro's response was swift and decisive. "You're the ones who need to learn a lesson, Hiroshi, take your posse and get out of my classroom." His voice was firm, carrying an air of unyielding authority that silenced the room.

The bullies exchanged uneasy glances, sensing the shift in the balance of power. With reluctant compliance, they shuffled out of the room, leaving Josephine and Jotaro in an uneasy silence.

As the tension settled, Josephine found herself grappling with a whirlwind of emotions—gratitude for Jotaro's intervention mingled with a renewed determination to seek his guidance.

"Thank you," she murmured, her voice wavering yet sincere.

Jotaro regarded her with an inscrutable gaze, his demeanour guarded yet not devoid of a flicker of acknowledgment. "You need to learn control," he repeated, his words echoing with a hint of reluctant consideration. "This is no game, you could hurt someone."

"I know," Josephine replied earnestly, meeting his eyes. "I want to understand. I need to know what this... thing is, and how to control it."

Jotaro hesitated, his gaze fixed on her. The weight of his own past battles, the scars he carried, lingered secretly in the silence between them.

But before he could respond, the bell signalling the end of the school day rang, dispersing the tension that hung in the air. The bustling of students exiting nearby classrooms filled the silence around them.

Jotaro glanced at Josephine, a hint of contemplation in his eyes. "Meet me here tomorrow after school." he finally said, abruptly exiting the room without continuing the conversation, leaving Josephine to her thoughts.

Josephine's heart leaped with a mix of relief and anticipation. She had an opportunity—a chance to learn from someone who understood the intricacies of Stand abilities, at least, she hoped she did.

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