Chapter 13 ~ A warm Welcome

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As Josephine helped Jotaro to his feet, she noticed his wince of pain. "Don't be stubborn," she chided, offering him support. "You need more help than you're willing to admit."

Jotaro grunted in acknowledgment, a reluctant smile playing on his lips at her persistence. "Fine," he conceded, not arguing further.

Their steps were slow and careful as they made their way out of the park. Josephine kept a watchful eye on Jotaro, ensuring he wasn't overexerting himself.

When Jotaro suggested going to his home, Josephine hesitated. Her mind raced with thoughts of the inevitable confrontations with her parents the next day. However, the thought of being safer, at least for the night, swayed her decision. "Okay," she agreed, offering a reassuring smile.

With Josephine's steadying hand on his back, they made their way to Jotaro's house. Holly Kujo greeted them at the door, her warmth evident in her smile. Her surprise at seeing Josephine was evident, but she remained gracious.

"Josephine needed a place to stay for the night," Jotaro explained to his mother, keeping the explanation vague but assuring. "It's safer here."

Holly's expression shifted from surprise to understanding, and she welcomed Josephine inside without further questions. "Of course, dear," she said, ushering them in. "Make yourself at home."

Josephine let out her breath she'd been holding in a soft sigh of relief as she stepped into the Kujo residence. 

Holly bustled around the kitchen, skilfully preparing dinner as if she had anticipated their arrival. The aroma of udong noodles in chicken broth with succulent pork loin pieces and pepper filled the air, making Josephine's stomach growl with anticipation.

They settled down at a low table in the traditional Japanese style, a practice unfamiliar to Josephine but one she found surprisingly comfortable. She waited patiently for everyone to be ready before starting to eat, a sign of respect she had picked up from observing Japanese tv shows at home.

As Holly set down the steaming bowls of noodles, her eyes caught sight of the bruise on Jotaro's face. She arched an eyebrow in concern, addressing him in a tone that only a mother could master, "Jotaro, have you been getting into trouble again?"

Jotaro attempted to brush off her concern with a nonchalant demeanour, muttering "Good grief. Mom you worry way too much." However, not surprisingly, Holly didn't let it slide. "Don't think I can't hear you, young man." she retorted with a playful scolding.

Josephine couldn't help but stifle a chuckle at their exchange, quickly masking it with another bite of the delicious meal. Her laughter didn't go unnoticed by Jotaro, who glanced at her with a subtle but noticeable smirk, something akin to a rare sight for him. 

Holly's gentle and inquisitive gaze turned to Josephine, pausing her eating momentarily. Unsure of how much Jotaro wanted his mother to know, Josephine hesitated, glancing towards Jotaro for guidance.

 Unsure of how much Jotaro wanted his mother to know, Josephine hesitated, glancing towards Jotaro for guidance

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