Chapter 16

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"Lana!" I can hear the screams and cries of joy as soon as the doors of the castle open. Several children launch themselves at me, making me stumble a bit as they cling to me.

Chuckling, I pat each of them on the head. "Hello, young ones," I say, a sense of calm settling over me.

They beam at me, welcoming me back. They practically drag me inside, while I glance back at Jade, who stands in the doorway, jaw dropped in shock.

Luke burbles at me, trying to climb into my arms. Stephen rattles on about a new demon that has recently entered the castle. Maeve talks about the upcoming ball. Charlotte grumbles about the heir choosing ceremony that is to happen at the ball. Scarlett whines about the outfits that they will be wearing.

I lift my hand, trying to settle them all down. "Enough."

They immediately go silent, staring up at me.

"Thank you. Listen, everything is going to be fine and you all will look great. Stephen, meet me in my sitting room to discuss that demon," I say, lifting Luke into my arms. He clings to me like a child, although he is nearly 16 years old.

Stephen nods his head. "Yes, Lana."

"Lana, could we also have some of your time when you are done speaking with Stephen?" Scarlett asks.

"We would love for you to join us for a snack," Maeve pipes up.

"I would be delighted to," I tell them. I look over my shoulder to Jade. "By the way, children, this is my aunt, Jade. She will be staying with us for the foreseeable future. Would you ladies show her around and find her a room to stay in?"

The girls nod, eagerly attaching their attention on to Jade. I let out a breath of relief.

"Alright, you two, let us go to my sitting room and discuss that new demon," I say, shifting Luke's weight on to my hip.

Stephen nods, following behind me as we walk down the corridor, away from the increasingly noisy girls.


As we approach my office, Bartok pokes his head from my hair and squeaks at me. Luke gasps and tries to touch him, but I stop him, warning him against touching my little bat.

"Do not worry. You can go out and catch some food," I tell Bartok, opening the door of my sitting room.

Stephen looks up at me. "Lana, why do you have that creature?" He asks, his head tilted.

I shrug noncommittally, walking over to the window and extending my arm. He climbs down my arm and drops off, flying off. I turn back and settle on one of the stools, gesturing for him to have a seat as well. I adjust Luke to settle on my lap, letting him fiddle with my hair. Stephen settles onto the stool in front of me.

"Stephen, tell me about this new demon in the castle," I say, running my hand along Luke's back slowly. He feels like skin and bones.

"Well, it is a new maid, one assigned to serving meals. She had been hired so quickly and rose in ranks within less than a week. I feel uncomfortable with her, yet she has done nothing for me to be suspicious of her," he says, his hands clenching into fists in his lap.

I observe Stephen. He looks thinner as well. I frown. "When is the last time you ate? Both of you?" I ask, trying to keep my voice even.

"It has been just a day since I last ate, Lana," Stephen replies. "I could not say for Luke."

I glance down at Luke, who avoids eye contact with me. "Luke, I must know when you last ate."

He shakes his head.

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