Chapter 6

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That sense of dread.

It is all I can think of as I throw open the door to the hut, my chest heaving from running, Laney beside me, gasping for air.

"Amon?" I call out, my voice shaking.

"I-I am here, sister," he replies, his voice small and shaky. "Please..."

I jog over to him, grasping his hand. "I am here now. Laney is too."

"E-everything hurts," he whispers, his eyes meeting mine. "I-I am scared."

"Do not worry," I whisper, stroking his hair slowly. I focus my attention on his hand, drawing the pain he is feeling into myself.

He shakes his head, trying to pry my hands from his. "Please, do not," he says, his voice shaky and weak. "Sh-she needs you."

I stop and look at him. "What do you mean?" I ask.

Amon points behind me, onto the bed beside mine and his. There lies a baby, swaddled in a small cloth. I turn my eyes to meet Amon's again.

"Please take care of my Lilithia," Amon whispers. "Tell her I am sorry I could not meet her when she could have remembered me."

Tears brim my eyes as I squeeze his hand. "Do not worry, Laney and I will help her."

Laney's eyes are wet while she grasps Amon's other hand. "I promise to help her."

He smiles through his tears. "Do not forget me, please," he whispers.

I squeeze his hand again and pull all of his pain into myself, kissing his knuckles softly. "May you rest well and in peace, brother," I whisper.

His eyes flutter shut, his breath fading slowly. Soon, his breath shutters to a stop.

Laney collapses against the bed, gripping his hand in hers as she sobs.

I wipe away the tears that slip down my cheeks and turn to the baby, Lilithia. I gently scoop her up into my arms, inspecting her.

Her soft black hair sits curled atop her head, contrasting with her smooth pale skin. Her dark eyelashes flutter gently as she opens her eyes to reveal dark brown eyes. She softly coos at me, her hand grabbing the air above her.

I stroke a finger across her cheek, before walking her over to Amon. "This was your father, little one. He loves you so much," I whisper to her.

Lilithia grabs my hair, her soft burbles filling the quiet room.

A loud slam sounds, startling us. Lilithia bursts into tears, screaming. I whip around to see Father standing in the doorway, staring at Amon's lifeless body. I step into his view path, my eyes already hardening.

"Do not cause a scene," I can hear how dark my voice is. Lilithia whimpers as I clutch her to my chest. "You've already disturbed the child. Keep the noise down."

Lucifer sneers at me. "Shut up." He pushes past me, making me stumble a bit before Nimue catches me. He walks right up to Amon's bed and kneels, grabbing his unoccupied hand. "Wake up. Please," he whispers, his voice small.

I turn my face away, my heart clenching slightly.

What is this feeling? Why does my heart feel like this?

Laney hurries over to me, taking Lilithia from my arms and cooing to her gently. Lilithia sniffles, her eyes puffy. Laney walks to her bed and sits down, cradling Lilithia.

Nimue goes over to her cooking spit, sitting on the stool. She glances at Lucifer, then at me.

Shaking myself out of my daze, I walk over to Amon and scoop him out of the bed, supporting his head on my shoulder.

"What are you doing?!" Father grabs my arm hard enough to make me flinch slightly.

"Release me," I demand, staring daggers into his eyes.

"What are you doing with my son?" Father demands, his grip tightening.

I hiss a bit. I feel my skin starting to tingle, and parts on my forehead and back begin to ache and itch. "I said to release me!" I growl.

"Not until you tell me what you plan to do to my son!"

"I plan to burn his body!" I yell, fed up with his childishness. "He needs to be put to rest so his soul can have peace!"

Father releases me, staggering backwards. "N-no..." His voice catches in his throat.

I turn my back on him. "Do not attempt to get in my way," I tell him over my shoulder. "I will not be held responsible for my actions." I quickly exit the hut, not looking back.

I probably should not leave him with the others. They are not equipped well enough to go against him if something happens. I must hurry with this.

Once I have arrived at the location that I had previously used to burn my comrades, I lay Amon's body on the ground.

"Rest in peace now, brother," I whisper as I lift my hand. "Laney and I shall protect your baby girl with our lives."

Fire erupts along his body, jumping and crackling as his body turns to ash.

I watch the sight for a while, my heart aching in a way I haven't felt before.

Why is this burning different to the other angels burning? Why did this fill me with a hole, instead of nothingness?

While left with many questions, I turn to head back to the hut.

Wind breezes by me, whipping my hair up. A gentle whisper blows by, but I cannot understand it.

I look around confused, before simply shaking my head and heading back to the hut.

Maybe one day I will figure out how I feel.

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