Chapter 11

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I wipe the back of my hand across my face, smearing the splattered blood. I turn back to my niece, ready to walk back to her, before I feel a weak grasp on my ankle. I stop and glance down, seeing Nafri struggling to keep his eyes open.

"Release me, you fool," I growl.

"Why..." he rasps. "Am I not good enough?"

"Of course not. The future heirs need to be strong, but they cannot be stupid. You do not have the strategy nor the intelligence to help with creating heirs," I inform him, kicking his hand off my leg.

"I meant for you," he gasps, holding his wounded hand.

I guffaw. "I told you. I have no intention to marry or be partnered with anyone. You must be more dense than I first assumed."

Nafri flinches a bit. "But-"

I cut him off with a wave of my hand. "I need not hear any of your excuses or pleas. They will fall on deaf ears from here on. Now leave back to where you came from, or I shall have to drag you back."

He lays his head down on the dirt, having spent the last of his energy.

I turn my back fully to him and walk back to Lilithia and kneel before her. "My Queen, let us go back to your castle now. The threat has been neutralized and will return to its original starting place."

"Please rise, Aunty," Lily says, offering her hand to me. I look up and take her hand gently. She guides me to my feet  as I gaze at her. "Now, we can return." She smiles at me softly.

I nod my head, offering my arm for her. "I shall escort you back."

She shakes her head, closing her eyes with a soft smile as she takes my arm. "You have always been like this. So upright and diligent, yet cold and calculative. I am sure you have other sides, no?"

I stare ahead of us as I walk her along the path to the castle. I am silent for a moment, until I feel her eyes on my face. "A long time ago, I did have many sides. Back before your grandfather decided he wanted to overthrow his mother, I was a very different being."

Lily tightens her grip on my elbow. "Could you tell me about that time?" She asks. "I know you and Aunt Laney told me some things over the years, but I would like to know more about what my father was like, about what Heaven was like, more about you."

I cast my gaze to the sky, a red tint covering the once ashy grey mist.

"Well, I am sure it has changed like this place has. But from what I remember, it was a very cold, unforgiving place. My grandmother was a cruel woman, forcing certain angels out of heaven to be on Earth to tend to the little humans crawling about. She was not a gracious deity towards them. She actively avoided dealing with the humans, as she wanted to remain as far above them as possible." I sigh and gaze down at Lily. "I was one of the angels forced to meet with the humans. I was often away from Heaven for years. Because of this, I became resentful of God, oftentimes cursing her name. But once Father decided to fight back against her, everything felt different. He was different."

Lily leans against me, listening intently as I speak.

"During the war against God, I came back to Heaven. The rebels were on the losing side, but once I stepped in, the rebels gained some footing. During that time, something in me seemed to almost piece itself together. The feeling of angels being felled by my weapons brought some kind of intense feeling to me, I am still unsure what that feeling was. Many angels fled at the sight of me. I felt that sensation while fighting that demon a bit ago." I close my eyes, faintly feeling that sensation from so long ago. I take a breath, squashing that feeling down. Shaking my head, I continue. "Unfortunately, the rebels were not successful in the war. Either due to being overwhelmed by God or being wildly under prepared, I could not tell you. She killed Father's lovers, in front of him and all of his living kids. Then she kicked all of the rebels out, quite literally. She used her feet to push us off the clouds."

I stop in the path. Something in my chest burns, spreading from the center to all of my limbs. I feel as if I am on fire.

Lilithia grabs my face, turning me to look at her. "Aunty, what is wrong? You look pale!" She holds my face in both of her hands, concern dripping from her voice.

I open my mouth to speak, but no words escape. I close my mouth and shake my head. Grabbing her shoulders, I guide her quickly back to the castle. She protests, trying to stop me to check on me.

Once we reached the doors of the castle, I release her, spreading my wings and taking to the sky.

I head straight to my tower window. I land on the sill, folding my wings back and collapsing inside my room. The burning feeling intensifies. I point towards my door, snapping the lock shut with the little magic I am able to muster. I bar my only window using fire as a deterrent for anyone who tries to get inside.

I must not let anyone see me like this.

I curl up into a ball, agony rippling throughout my body. I sink my teeth into my knee, stifling the pained groans trying to escape my throat. I squeeze my eyes shut, tears spilling out as I try to suppress the need to scream out.

The pain only grows more intense, and I feel some cracks in my skin forming all over my body, with the cool sensation of blood flowing out.

I close my eyes, feeling the sweet embrace of darkness wash over me as I pass out.

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