Chapter 13

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It has been several days since I learned how long I had been unconscious. I am on my way to Nimue's hut to ask her about what happened to me that day.

The little bat that I found has become attached to me. I have named it Bartok, and the little creature seems to enjoy the name. It follows me everywhere I go.

I softly knock on the door of the hut, pulling my hair over my shoulders carefully. Bartok squeaks at me, climbing onto my shoulder.

Nimue opens the door cautiously before beaming at me. "Miss Lana! It has been a while! How are you?" She asks, grasping my arm and pulling me into the hut. I grimace at the sharp pain that sears through my body.

I clear my throat before beginning to speak. "Actually, I came here to consult you. I was wondering if you had...maybe experienced someone who suffered something similar to I."

She drops her smile, meeting my eyes. She quickly shuts the door to the hut and makes me sit on one of the beds. She pulls up a stool and faces me. "What ails you?"

I lower my eyes and begin unwrapping the cloths on my arms, pulling back my toga to show her the wounds that have begun to close. "These cover most of my body. It happened almost a week ago." I turn my eyes to her.

Nimue has a face filled with surprise and horror. "What happened?" She asks, her voice surprisingly calm and quiet as she runs her fingers cautiously over the wounds.

I look at the ceiling of the hut, trying to recount in my head how this began. Taking a deep breath, I recount what I had done that day.

Nimue listens while carefully applying a healing salve to my wounds, causing me to flinch at the subtle sting that follows.

"I have never experienced anyone who suddenly collapsed from inexplicable pain. I shall speak with others to see if they have experienced it," she tells me, tying bandages across my breast. "I will inform you of what I find."

I nod, wincing as I lean back to lie flat in the bed. Bartok lets out a cautious squeak, crawling onto my collarbone. I close my eyes, trying to force my body to relax.

"Who is this little creature you brought, ma'am?" Nimue asks.

"His name is Bartok. He has become a sort of companion for me," I reply, rubbing my finger along his tiny head.

He chirps, his little wings wrapping around my finger.

"He fits your image, ma'am," Nimue says, shuffling away from the bed.

"Even if he did not, I would still keep him about. He has become attached to me very quickly. When I had awoken from being unconscious, he was fluttering about. He surprised me by accepting my arm to come into my room," I tell her, stifling a yawn.

"Beware he does not bite you. Even a graze from their teeth can cause fatal harm," Nimue tells me. "If that comes to pass, you must tell me."

I nod, feeling exhaustion coming over me like a blanket. I can feel Bartok curling up on my stomach as my eyes close. "I will tell if I end up bitten," I mumble as sleep over takes me.


I am awakened by the sound of knocking on a door. As I sit up to gain my bearings, I hear a disgruntled squeak. Gazing down, I see Bartok climbing onto my lap.

"Sorry, Bartok," I mumble, my mouth feeling dry. I run a finger over his head slowly. He leans into my finger, a soft purring sound emitting from him. "Sweet little thing."

I look around, realizing I am still at Nimue's hut. A knock sounds again and I turn my head towards the door. I glance around, not seeing or hearing Nimue.

Carefully lifting Bartok to my shoulder, I slip off of the bed. I can feel my skin almost burning as I shuffle to the door. I pull open the door and am greeted by a being I have never seen before.

The being takes a step back, looking startled. "I, um...I am looking for someone named Nimue." They pause, looking me over. "Are you she?"

I shake my head, instantly regretting my actions as the world spins a bit. I keep a firm grasp of the door as I look back at the being. "No, I am not. I am unaware of where she is currently. Why are you looking for her?" I ask.

The being lets out a disappointed sigh. "I must ask her some questions, but if she is not here, I cannot ask them."

Bartok lets out a chirp, flapping his wings.

I glance at him before shuffling back to the bed I was resting in. "Come on in for now and wait for her. I have neither the energy nor the care to stand at the door waiting for her to return." I carefully settle onto the bed, wincing slightly.

The being wrings their hands together before entering the hut and softly closing the door. "You are sure it is fine for me to be here while she is away?"

I wave my hand halfheartedly, leaning against the wall as I let out a soft wheeze. "It is fine. She left me here, did she not? She will return shortly." I close my eyes, feeling my energy draining.

Bartok chirps at me, sitting on my thigh. I rest my hand on him, hoping he will be quiet.

I hear the soft creak of a bed being sat upon and look over to see the being sitting awkwardly. I shrug with one shoulder before closing my eyes once more. I am feeling more exhausted now that I have gotten off my feet.

Bartok climbs up my torso, settling himself along my collarbone. His body vibrates as he purrs softly, his warm body soothing to my cool skin.

"M-miss, may I ask for your name?"

I turn my head and slowly open my eyes, gazing blankly at the being. "Why? Is there a reason for you to need it?" I ask, trying to muster up the last of my energy to continue this conversation.

"W-well, I figured it would be nice to know each other's names, in-in case Nimue does not return tonight and I must go back home," the being says, wringing their hands in their lap.

I let out a heavy sigh, just wanting for sleep to take me away again. "Lana."

The being, looking startled, stares at me. "Wh-what?" They ask.

"My name. It is Lana," I repeat.

They look at their hands. "S-so you are one of the angels that came here, yes?" They ask.

"I am becoming tired of conversing. Just say your name so I can sleep," I say, ignoring the question.

"O-oh! I am so sorry!" They babble. "My name is Daggar."

I nod, rolling my head to face away from them and closing my eyes a final time before sleep drags me back into its clutch.

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