Chapter 3

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When I finish scoping out the land, I return to the small hut, guided by Shiva.

"Thank you, Shiva, you have been of great help to me today," I tell them, setting a hand on their head.

With a wide grin, Shiva clasps my hand. "Thank you for giving me and my friends names! We will never forget this kindness!"

I watch as Shiva runs off, in the direction of their home.

After scouting out the landscape, I've found that it is apparently an infinite type of land. Shiva explained that the elders here were around when it first came to being and it was infinite for them as well, though it has only been about a hundred years since it began.

Pondering this, I step inside the hut.

"Ma'am! You have returned!" Nimue says, grasping my hands. "Something is wrong with your father! He seems very unwell!"

With my eyes widening, I rush to my father's bedside. His skin is pale and he is sweating. His face looks as if contorted with pain.

Swallowing hard, I grasp his hand tightly while kneeling beside him. Squeezing my eyes shut, I use my power to release him of his pain.

Almost instantly, his skin returns to its normal hue and he is not sweating as badly.

Immediately after, though, I feel a searing pain flash through my head and my body drops to the floor. Curling into a fetal-like position, I clutch my head, seeing images flashing through like I am actually experiencing the scenes.

I see images of my Papa and Mama smiling, of them both crying, of them both holding babies, the list continues. All of them fill me with the pain of knowing they are gone, of knowing they won't see anything that any of us will do.

My heart pounds furiously in my chest. I gag a bit.

Nimue grabs me, hauling me over to the bed. "You need to rest!" She tells me, helping me into the bed carefully.

I wheeze and grab her hand. "I-I just...need a moment," I tell her, my breath barely coming out.

"No, no, no! You are going to lay there and rest. I will not listen to anything you say about getting up!" She scolds me, practically pushing me down onto the bed. "You will be of no assistance to them if you cannot get healthy first."

I wince a little.

I had never been good at just sitting back. Even when I was back in Heaven, I was one of the angels that was always on the go, always visiting the earth and checking on all of the creatures. God always sent me out on missions of sorts, so I assume she did not wish to have me around; which made it easier for me to help with the resistance my father led.

"Now, until your wounds are healed, you must stay in this bed."

I sigh. "Alright, Nimue."

"Good. I will get started on some food for you."

I lean back and stare up at the ceiling of the hut. My thoughts swim through my mind.

Most of my family has perished, and the only ones left alive are in so much pain.

I look over at Laney, who is sleeping so peacefully. I look over at Evergreen, who rolls onto his side, snoring loudly. Looking over at Lucifer, I watch as he breathes softly, sleeping as well. I finally rest my eyes upon Amon, who looks back at me.

His eyes are dark and his skin is pale. He looks exhausted.

"Lana," he whispers. "Sister, I do not feel well." He runs a hand over his stomach, tears spilling out of his eyes. "I am worried."

I glance over at Nimue, who has her back to us. I slide out of my bed and walk over to Amon, sliding into the bed with him.

He wraps his arms around me, pressing his forehead to mine. I wrap my arms around him as well.

"Sister, if I am to die, I wish for you to take care of my child. I...I am afraid I will not get to meet them," he whispers, his hand returning to his stomach.

"Do not fear," I whisper back. "You will meet your child."

His eyes meet mine, sadness etched into them. "I do not think I have that much more time."

I shake my head, yet he presses a finger to my lips before I can speak.

"Listen, my child is due soon. I want to name them either Lilithia or Lunas. Please make sure that they are named one of those names."

I nod mutely, my eyes beginning to tear up.

Amon nods, his eyes filling with tears as well. "Thank you, sister. You are the only one I can trust with such a task. Please take good care of my child."

I nod again, feeling the tears spilling from my eyes. "I promise I will protect your child with my life," I whisper, my words catching in my throat.

Amon squeezes my hand tightly, closing his eyes. His breath evens out soon, and I know he has fallen asleep again.

I stay in place, both for fear of him waking and for fear of him not breathing. I can feel my eyelids growing heavy as I watch Amon sleeping. I press a soft kiss to his forehead.

"Sleep well, brother. Know that I am here to protect you now," I whisper as sleep calls for me.

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