Chapter 19

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The day after the ball is filled with dragging feet and murmurs of excitement from the night before race through the halls.

I walk passed several groups of maids chattering about events that took place last night. Some talk of the man who danced with Charlotte, while others talk of who was close to Lilithia. I slow briefly to try and catch some of their words, but they are gone too soon.

Sighing, I breeze past them, trying to get to where Lilithia is waiting for me. She said to meet her in the garden before lunch, so I must get there soon.

As I turn a corner, I catch Charlotte speaking with someone. She looks up at me, looking a bit shocked.

"Aunt Lana?" She asks, stepping in front of who she was speaking with.

"Yes, that is me." I pause for a moment. "Have I interrupted something, perhaps?"

Her face flushes red. "N-no, not at all," she stumbles over her words.

The person behind her peeks over her shoulder, looking incredibly shy and familiar.

I recognize the hair as on the man who danced with her last night. A knowing look passes over my face. "By all means, continue your conversation, young ones." I breeze past them. "I will not breathe a word of this."

"Lana!" Charlotte squeals with embarrassment.

I shake my head, chuckling to myself.


As I approach the garden, I can hear multiple voices already. I frown, speeding up my pace to catch the conversation. I can hear Laney and Lilithia talking.

"During the war, there were two groups, the heavenly fighters and the rebellion. The rebellion was led by Lucifer, while the fighters were led by God. In the beginning of the war, the rebellion was not making much headway. They kept losing ground and were struggling. Many angels fell on both sides, including many of my siblings." Laney inhales slowly, as if reliving the moment. She exhales before continuing. "About halfway through the war, it felt as though time itself stopped. Not even the wind dared to move. Her aura was suffocating. Anyone who was moving froze in an instant, eyes on the horizon where she approached. It was like nothing any of us had ever seen before. God had sent her away from heaven because she could not be controlled. At least with Lucifer, she could control him with his partners. But with Lana, there was nothing. She had no weaknesses. At least, none that anyone could see. She blew through the battle as though she were a storm, devastating the heavenly fighters. Even God stumbled under her power. But it did not last long, since the rebellion lost their home and were cast out. While Lana was distracted, Serpentine and Drac were killed. Lana heard their screams of pain and became distraught, ending up caught on the ground with spears to her neck. Father was cast out, and his remaining kids were cast out with him. I do not know what God did to Lana since I was pushed out before her, and she never talks about that..."

"And there are plenty of good reasons as to why I will never share what happened," I say, approaching their table.

"Lana!" Laney says, rising to her feet. "She just asked and I-"

I lift my hand, cutting her off. "I understand. I was not reprimanding you."

She lowers herself back onto her chair, looking at her hands quietly.

Lilithia gazes at me. "You come off harshly towards even your own sister. Is something the matter?"

"No, nothing is amiss," I reply, settling into a chair next to Laney.

Lilithia purses her lips, her mind in an obvious whirlwind of what to ask. She lets out a soft sigh before lifting her hand to wave a maid over.

A maid scurries over, her hands trembling as she sets a cup before me. She struggles to pour tea into the cup, her fear obvious in her body language.

I glance over at Lilithia. "Your daughter has become infatuated with someone."

Her head snaps up, fully alert. "Who?" She stares straight into my eyes, unconcealed rage and concern burning from deep within.

"Do you remember that meeting we held a few weeks back? The one where some of the dukes were trying to offer their sons to your daughter?" I ask, grabbing the cup, which is now filled with steaming tea.

Lilithia nods, her jaw ticking slightly. "I remember."

"I believe the boy is the son of the one duke who never spoke up." I take a long sip, letting Lilithia stew in thought. "He seems to be a nice, yet shy child."

She rubs her chin, lost in thought. "Was that not Duke Markus who never spoke?" She asks after a moment.

I nod, glancing over at Laney. "I believe you did some reconnaissance on most of the dukes, correct?"

She nods, lifting her head to look at me. "Duke Markus is one of the only loyal dukes to the throne. Or at least he is loyal to Lily. It seems he might even like you, sweetie."

Lilithia splutters, her tea dripping down onto her dress. She coughs, covering her mouth with her hand. She waves back the maids who rush towards her, shaking her head a bit. "Wh-what do you mean by that, Laney?" She asks.

Laney looks startled. "Well, I mean, he consistently checks up on you. Plus he keeps most of the other dukes in line who would otherwise turn their backs on you."

Lilithia stares at the teacup in her hands, too stunned to speak.

Rising to my feet, I walk over to Lilithia. "Lily, do not feel pressured by anything. You are queen and he is loyal to you. His son looks as though he genuinely like her. Laney will gather information about the boy." I set my hand on her shoulder. "Should anything happen to Charlotte, you know I shall not stay quiet."

Lilithia stays silent, her body tense.

I stand up straight. "Laney, go ahead and look into the boy. Once you've got it compiled, hand the report off to me."

Laney bobs her head. "Yes, sister."

I nod once before turning back to Lilithia. "I am going to make my patrolling rounds now."

She nods slightly, still in shock.

I pat her shoulder, trying to be reassuring, before turning and walking briskly back towards the castle.

The FallOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora