"Oh Elle so basically Archie was just telling me that him and Oliver were supposed to hang out but he missed me too much" she says smiling up at him " how cute is that" she says looking at me. 

"Oh ye of course that's so adorable" 

"Oh Elle I'm guessing you don't mind if we have the pizzas as well" Archie says already cutting the pizzas. 

"Oh sure ye go ahead" I say looking down. 

As much as I think Archie is great all I wanted was one evening with Carmen and maybe that's selfish of me she is his girlfriend but they have gone out every evening the last week. I was really excited for this. I don't really have many other friends so when I thought I was going to have Carmen for an evening I tried to make it super fun for the both of us. But I'm not going to be mad  if she wants him here that's fine too I guess. 

I go to pause the t.v so we can continue watching when the pizza is served. When I walk back to the kitchen I realise that Carmen, Archie and Oliver have all plated pizza for themselves and there is none left. 

"Omg Elle I'm so sorry we completely forgot you would want some"

"That's fine don't worry I'll just order some for myself" I say taking out my phone to order some. 

Before I can finish both Carmen and Archie run out to the living room and turn on the movie. Tears fill my eyes. 

Uh god why am I so selfish 

I quickly wipe them and clean up the plates they left. Oliver just watches me without saying anything. He then comes over to wash his plated he dries it puts it away and walks into the living room. 

The door rings again and I go to get my pizza. I bring it in and sit at the table. The couches are white and I am terrified of getting them stained. I sit alone. My mum would murder me. 

That's until Oliver stands up and sits down beside me. 

"I tried to keep him at my house for as long as possible" he says giving me a sympathetic look. 

"Oh no it's fine I mean they're cute I'm glad they're enjoying the evening" I say looking down at my food that I no longer have the appetite for. 

"I'm feeling the same as you" he says picking at his fingers. 

"Oh really" I say looking at him. 

"Ye myself and Archie planned to go to his little brothers football game and grab food after but he wanted to leave at half time and come here instead



"Well we can watch the movie but I guess we are sitting on the floor cause the coach is taken" I say rolling my eyes (in a joking way)

"Fine by me" 

We get up and walk over. We grab lots of pillows and sit down on the floor. The movie is already over half way through but it's ok. 

It feels like we only sat down and the movie is over already. Carmen and Archie jump up. 

"So I'm sorry but we have to go" 

"Oh you do" I say looking at Carmen 

"Ye sorry" Carmen says walking out the door. 

And that's it. She's gone. 

"Let's go " Oliver says taking my hand. 

"Go where" I say as he pulls me to my feet. 

"Out for food" 

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