Chapter 100: The hope of the demon kind [Adumfor Arc II]

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Nyan gets up, injured and looks up at her.

Nyan: Y-You... How did you obtain this much power in such a short time?!

Despite that, Nyan felt like he was missing something as well, he checked the spot and the half of the demon stone he had was gone...

Nyan also looked at her pocket seeing something shining through there and then he realized how she got so strong, his own power has decreased with that half of the demon stone being gone...

Elaina was already infront of him again and she used the cursed energy vines to stick him to his place, this time keeping him there.

Elaina: I'm Elaina, a half-breed with the potential of something powerful, I will protect those I can and I will try to improve myself to protect those I love!

The trident was gone and suddenly she begin to draw something in the air again, but this time it was a sign..

Elaina (...?): This shall put you out of battle and trap you, as of now you will belong to me personally until you are re-educated, I'm sorry for whatever made you do this!

As she finished drawing, it was a sign of the strongest seal a demon wielded and Nyan was scared as he was being sealed and after a minute it was done as the seal completes it's shape into a cube and Elaina catches it.

Suddenly then she untransformed and landed on the ground gently as she then made the cube vanish by clapping her other hand with the hand where the cube was.

Elaina then turned around and ran towards Vlad, then she grabbed him.

Elaina: What was this true form? I-It was too powerful... 

Elaina sighs and runs with Vlad carrying him, despite her making it look easy... It is clear she never transformed beyond her normal demon form as a half-breed.

Meanwhile with Diara, she feeled Nyan's energy was gone just instantly, at first it was decreasing, but now it is gone and that scares her.


1000 years ago moments before the big attack, Diara & Nyan sat there in their house one last time eating their last meal, not knowing it will be their last.

Diara: So, the prophecy we found back in that temple, do you think that it could be a human instead of a demon to be the one?

Nyan: Nonsense, pretty sure we will be soon close to being the ones or atleast you or me as of course the other plan after taking over Adumfor is to collect the other 2 stones and after that the prophecy will be ours.

They both eat and continue.

Diara: What happens if you get defeated before that, what then?

Nyan looked down and sighed.

Nyan: I'm not sure...


Back in the present Diara turned and ran back, remembering the fact that despite her power being strong, Nyan's defeat marks that there is someone else powerful on the island, she ran back to the place where Ultra's body was, she saw a person with a violin in his hand.

???: So, you finally came back to your senses, that is good to know.

The man looks at Diara as she sees a Domain appearing that traps her in it.

???: Now that is is done, what a shame your fight came down. I know how must it feel, but these mortals are something else.

The man soon reveals his name to be Maestro.

Maestro: Listen, I came to defeat you and Nyan originally, but as soon as I arrived, it was already over and you were left alone. I know you can beat them probably, so I decided to take you out, as the leader of the High Council and protector of the planet and the universe, I shall declare you to be called on court on the council.

Diara suddenly felt her power going away as she saw the other half of the demon stone in Maestro's right hand.

Maestro: And to make sure until that is over, we will take any extra power source that is not yours and yours alone.

Suddenly that half of the demon stone vanishes.

Maestro: But of course, will you accept your judgement and try to possibly lower the punishment as much as possible or will you try to resist?

Diara was scared, the power of Maestro was too much for her even to handle...

Diara: I'll come willingly...

Maestro: You've made the right decision, dear.

Then with that, the domain is gone with Maestro, Diara and Ultra's body as well.

2 weeks pass and things are sorta back to normal, Adumfor's destroyed areas are being rebuilded and Queen Isabella is coming back to throne to continue her rule, Elaina & Vlad are considered heroes for defeating the dangers of the ECLIPSE Demon and the powerful demon, obviously they also learned during this time skip that UltraX has died in battle and a honorable statue of his name for defending Adumfor was builded in the forest as of request by Kazuna and so on...

Live continues, despite the defeat of the "evil" siblings duo and the sacrifices made along the way, Vlad was transfered into a hospital back to new york as his injures are far greater and Elaina was left alone for the time being... 

Despite all, the ones above have finally interfered with the situation on earth, it has been truly a long time and now... The fate of Ultra may be debatable...

End of Chapter

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