He knew where they would be.

Tolkien, Wendy, Clyde and Kyle were huddled together towards the back wall of the courtyard. They didn't see the three enter the area, which was good for him since they weren't the only ones he needed to find. Kenny scanned through the crowds of students until he caught sight of three bald, white dudes bullying a Hispanic kid from the other side of the yard. He motioned for Craig and Tweek to deal with them, leaving his sights locked on his former friends.

They noticed him staring after a moment. Luckily, Leo had slid off somewhere far away from either group, and although that was safer for him, Kenny worried a little. He had to shake it off, he needed to continue focusing. He was doing things his way this time.

The group of four tried to look intimidating, but he didn't miss when they switched to seeming nervous as he started to approach them - well, more like Tolkien and Clyde seemed nervous. Kyle stood slightly in front of them, his arms crossed over his chest. Kenny could see through the angry facade. He could tell his former red headed friend wasn't getting any sleep, it made him look more miserable than he ever had before.

"What do you want?" Kyle still started with charged aggression, glancing around the slightly taller one to look for his boyfriend. "Where's Stan?"

Trying not to go into attack mode, Kenny took a large, deep breath in. Don't attack the wrong person, McCormick. Stan isn't the only one hurting right now. Kyle didn't mean for this to happen. "Stan is drinking again. He was too drunk to come to school." He wasn't going to hide the truth anymore. "We need to talk as a group somewhere else."

"Dude, fuck off. There is no group anymore." Tolkien scoffed in disbelief.

Kenny wasn't having it. He sent him a warning glare. "This is more important." Clyde went to open his idiotic mouth only to be silenced by Kenny slapping a hand over his mouth. "Seriously, I need you guys to meet me at Stark's. This isn't about me, it's about all of you."

They were unnerved immediately, he could see it.

They exchanged a look, before they turned to Kyle, who had been quiet since Kenny told him about Stan's drinking. The ginger looked back up to Kenny again, his face white as a sheet. "S-Stan's drinking again?" He knew his former friend wasn't lying when he looked off to the left, avoiding his piercing green eyes. Kyle needed to come back to reality. "Fine. We'll be there at 4."

He nodded once. "I'll bring Stan."

Pausing before he turned away with Tolkien and Clyde, Kyle whispered: "Thank you."

The three boys left Wendy behind as she stared at her feet, rocking back and forth in anticipation. She hadn't said a word, or even lifted her head, when Kenny came over, however, now that the boys were gone - she was looking at him with wide eyes.

He almost took a step back as she rushed him, grabbing the collar of his jacket: "How's Bebe?"

Pulling her hands away from him, Kenny motioned to where Tweek was behind them. He had been keeping an eye on Craig and Tweek the whole time, since he had sent them to deal with Nazis alone; once they had oddly backed off and left the courtyard, Tweek found Bebe hiding behind a tree, smoking a joint alone.

"She's fine." Kenny sighed discontentedly. "Look, Wendy, I'm sorry I didn't-"

"I'm over it already." She answered quickly, not removing her eyes from Bebe. Once she realized what Kenny said, she looked back to him to give him a real answer. "Yeah, you should've told us, but.. I get it."

Not understanding why she wasn't talking to them then, Kenny furrowed his eyebrows. "Then why are you hangin' with the pissed off douches?!"

Rubbing her arms uncomfortably, Wendy looked back to Bebe. "She won't talk to me, and they don't ask me so many damn questions!" She sighed, she didn't mean to be rude to him. "Ugh, I just don't think she'll listen to me, even if I apologize. I should've stood with her against Clyde.."

Hate My Guts (Kenny x Butters) [Completed]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum