𝟑𝟑. 𝐁𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲 (𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐)

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As the alarm pierced the morning silence, I stirred awake to find him sprawled across me, his body half-draped over mine

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As the alarm pierced the morning silence, I stirred awake to find him sprawled across me, his body half-draped over mine. I tenderly brushed the tousled locks from his forehead, my fingertips grazing his skin. He stirred, his morning voice low and husky, whispering sweet nothings in my ear - "Good morning, baby."

My heart skipped a beat as a flutter ignited within me, and I felt myself melt into a pool of desire. Why did my husband's mere presence have such an intoxicating effect on me?

"Happy Birthday, love!" I whispered, as he slowly opened his eyes, bleary from sleep. He smiled, his face still soft with slumber, and pecked my nose gently.

"This is the best birthday of my life," he murmured, his voice filled with contentment. As he snuggled deeper into the bed, he yawned and said, "Sleep now, it's too early. I've got to hit the gym later."

I pouted, feigning disappointment. "I can't sleep without you by my side," I sighed, trying to sound pitiful. He chuckled, knowing I wasn't serious, and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close.

"Want to join me at the gym?" he asked, flashing a mischievous smirk. I shook my head, and he chuckled, knowing I wasn't tempted.

As he got out of bed, I called out, "Ansh, did you take the day off?" He turned, grinning, and said, "Of course, my love! Your wish is my command!"

We both burst out laughing, enjoying the silly moment together.

After Ansh left for the gym, I embarked on my morning routine, knowing I had a busy day ahead with party preparations. I slipped into a simple yet elegant white salwar kameez, added a touch of minimal makeup, and adorned my hairline with a delicate vermilion mark.

My nuptial chain gleamed against my skin as I left my hair flowing freely. I made my way to the kitchen, where Shalini Maa was already busy cooking. "Maa, let me help," I offered. She smiled, "Beta, just prepare the kheer, Aayu loves it."

"Ok, Maa," I replied, starting to prepare the kheer with Chachi's help. Time flew by as we worked together, chatting and laughing. Just as we finished, I heard Ansh calling out for me.

"Angel, I can't find something - where have you kept it?" I raised an eyebrow, puzzled. He'd only been back for 15 minutes, and I knew I hadn't touched any of his belongings.

Chachi noticed my confusion and chimed in, "Go, beta, I'll handle it here." I smiled and headed towards our room, wondering what had gotten Ansh so flustered.

As I entered the room, I started to ask, "What's wron..." but my words were lost in the rush of his lips on mine. Ansh pinned me to the door, his kiss fierce and all-consuming.

I felt my breath escape me, and just as I thought I'd faint, he broke away, a sly smile spreading across his face.

"I was just taking a part of my birthday gift from you," he whispered, his fingers tracing my cheeks.

𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora