11 - A Visit to the Doctor's

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Ashley woke up, ready for a new (diapered) day. She remembered what had happened yesterday and was somewhat embarrassed, but at the same time she new it was her secret and no one would not what she did.

Just wearing her shirt and her soaked diaper, she got up from the bed. Wait, she thought, my diaper is sagging more than what I remember! Wait, what! I pooped myself.

Ashley felt the cold poop in her diaper, alongside much more pee than what she remembered was in it yesterday. Woah, I really am a big baby. It kinda feels nice tho- Ashley, focus! This diaper will leak at any moment and you have to get to the bathroom!

She tried to walk to the bathroom, but it ended up being more of a waddle because of how thick and saggy the soaked and messy diaper had become.

Once in the bathroom, she carefully took off her poop-filled diaper, that used to be pure white but now was a shade of yellow and brown. She threw it in the diaper bin and took a shower to clean herself.

Then, she came back to her room and wanted to put on for the first time, a proper adult pull-up, which would be perfect for going outside and being discreet.

However, since they were going on a long trip after the visit to the doctor's, she decided to put on one of her diapers again.

Ugrhhhh, she thought, putting on a diaper yourself is so complicated! It keeps falling and bending-

"Good morning sweetie!" said her mom as she entered the room, "oh- do you need help?"

As much as she did want to admit it, she did need help, a lot of it. "Uh- yes mom." she said sheepishly, while blushing.

"It's fine." said her mom, "now lay down so I can change you."

Just like last time, her mom started changing her, making Ashley feel embarrassed and weird, but also giving her a sense of innocence and smallness that made her feel very cute and safe.

Her mom carefully applied baby cream on her skin, and then some baby oil, rubbing it carefully on her crotch, butt and lips. Then, she put some baby powder on the new, clean white diaper and taped it around her.

"All done!" exclaimed her mom.

"You sure are a pretty baby now!" she teased, making Ashley blush.

After her mom left, Ashley put a bra on and was going to put her panties on just like in her usual routine, before remembering she was diapered now and didn't need "big girl panties".

For the day, she decided to wear some knee socks and a nice green sweater, as well as a short blue skirt.

She looked at herself on the mirror and saw her diaper was almost exposed, but she shook it off since they were going far away and there was no need to be discreet, plus that skirt looked good on her.

Little did she know the skirt was shorter on the back and her padded butt thicker right there, causing her diaper to be exposed to anyone who was behind her.

After changing, she went down to eat breakfast with her family and then she left with her mom to the doctor's.


"Hi", said the doctor, "You must be Teresa Green." he asked Ashley's mom.

"Yep, that's right."

"Well," continued the doctor, "and you're Ashley Green right? And you say you've been having incontinence issues."

"Ok, so, tell me a little bit more about what happened."

"Well, I started having some bedwetting accidents like, three weeks ago, at first they weren't that common, but now I've been having them every single day." Ashley started.

"I've also started having some... day accidents. I think I've had three so far-"

"Well," her mother cut her off, "it's four now." She said, as her lifted the hem of her skirt to show her now wet diaper.

"Uhhhh, yea, and I guess I have them and I don't even notice."

"Is it only urinary or also fecal?" asked the doctor.

"Yea, it's only urinary-" started her mom.

"Um, actually- I had a messing accident, while I was sleeping, uh, today," Ashley said, clearly embarrassed.

"Well, so, to recap, bedwetting accidents for a couple weeks now, day accidents too recently and just a fecal accident today. I also see you're wearing protection so that's good, now the nurse over here will take some of your measurements."

The nurse then proceeded to take her weight, height, waist and hip size, heart rate and blood pressure.

"Now, we'll do an X-ray scan of your abdomen and hip area to see how your bladder is doing."

They got her in the X-ray room and told her take off her shirt and skirt to help the scan see more. She stood there just in her bra, socks and diaper and was scanned.

"Finally," he said as she put her clothes back on, "we'll also take a blood sample that we'll check to see if there is anything in your blood that could be harming your bladder and bowel muscles."

After taking the blood sample and seeing the x-ray, the doctor told them what he thought.

"So this is most likely a case of urge or overflow incontinence, however I can't seem to figure out the cause."

"Oh no!" said her mom, eager to find a way to end her daughter's incontinence, "When do you think you can figure it out so we can begin a treatment?"

"Sadly, for most cases of urge incontinence, a cause is never found. However, you can do some treatments at home like these exercises," he said, handing them a paper with a list of bladder workouts and other things that she could do.

"Thank you doctor, this will be very useful."

"You're welcome."

"Thanks!" said Ashley as she stood up and pulled her skirt down to hide her diaper.

In hindsight, she thought, it was a bad idea to wear this skirt, I've showing off my diaper to everyone! I feel so embarrassed!


"Ashley," asked her mom when they were already in the car back home, "did you... mess yourself?"

"Uh- wait what?!" Ashley had been basically in a trance, looking out the car window daydreaming about Alex.

"Don't worry, we're close home, you'll get a change there."

Woah, thought Ashley, I am daydreaming about Alex and at the same time being just a big baby... but hey, it's not my fault, and, she thought as the mess squished in her diaper, I am kinda enjoying it!

Author's note: Thank you all so much for reading this story, THE NEXT STORY IN ASHLEY'S JOURNEY (Part 2) CAN BE FOUND IN MY PROFILE, IT'S CALLED "THE DIAPERED TRIP"! Hopefully you all enjoy it!

Image credit: GodKingGil25 on r/diaperpics (Reddit), here: https://bit.ly/3vJomH0 (if you'd like an image I used deleted just tell me in the comments).

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