4 - Maybe Some Issues Here

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"Uncl- I mean, Mr. Green," said Ashley, "Can I go to the bathroom, please?"

"No Ashley, I have more to explain and lunch is in like 15 minutes anyways."

Ashley was so bored during that time, barely listening to her uncle's monologue and just looking at Alex, who was in a perfect position for her to look at him while he actually paid attention to the teacher's speech.

Wait, what am I doing? Ashley talked to herself in her mind, I'm not supposed to be looking at him like that! But he's so cute and nice though... He is Melissa's friend and he hangs out with all those mean guys. Remember what happened when you tried to be friends with Mila? She was so annoying and began that rumor about you that you liked Tom. Huh? What's that noise?

A loud phone notification noise filled the room, coming directly from Melissa's phone, who had been texting her new boyfriend Issac throughout the entire class.

"Who's been texting in class?!" asked Mr. Green, looking directly at the area where Melissa, Charlotte and Ashley were sitting.

"It was Ashley!" lied Melissa. "She just hid her phone very quickly in her pocket and pretended she did nothing." All her friends nodded and were agreeing to Melissa's lie.

"No, uncl-, I mean, uh, Mr. Green," Ashley struggled to say, "it was Melissa who was on her-"

"Ashley, enough. Give me your phone, I'll talk to you when class ends."

20 minutes later, class ended and Ashley really wanted to go to the bathroom. She was about to leave on her way through the door when Mr. Green called her to talk seriously about this.

"Ashley, it is the first day of class, if this behaviour continues, we'll have to talk to your parents."

"Dude, you're literally my uncle you can't be doing this to me."

"I'm just doing my job, plus that is no way to address your teacher."

"Ok, can I go to the bathroom now?"

"Yes, but-"

Before he could finish, Ashley instantly ran through the door —forgetting her phone— and the crowded hallways to the nearest bathroom.

No, it's closed, thought Ashley, why would they even close it?

She ran downstairs with pain on her bladder from holding the pee in, but she felt like she was about to burst.

As soon as she got into the bathroom, she began peeing herself and her pants became immediately damp and wet. She locked herself in a stall and put her hand in her pocket to take her phone out, but she couldn't since she had left her phone upstairs.

She didn't know what to do now: her pants were soaked and she couldn't call anyone, she would have to leave and walk somewhere, exposing her wet pants to anyone. Melissa and her friends would annoy and bully her forever!

She began crying and sobbing on the stall until she heard the door open and someone enter the bathroom.

"Ashley, are you here?" cried Julia.

"Ye- Yes!" Ashley replied.

"We said we were gonna eat lunch together today, but then we couldn't find you and we found your phone in the band room," explained Julia, "and we didn't know what to do. But then Charlotte remembered you wanted to go to the bathroom so I came here while she went to buy something at the cafeteria. Pretty smart huh?"

"Yeah... I guess," said Ashley, awkwardly, trying to hide the fact she had just peed her pants, "erm, would you for any reason, I don't know, like, happen to have some spare clothes for me."

"Yeah sure, what happened?"

"Erm, uh, I like... Was running to the bathroom, and uh, I couldn't like, get here on time."

"Oh. I'm so sorry Ashley. I promise I won't tell anyone."

"Yeah, I know you wouldn't. You're a good friend." said Ashley as she changed her wet clothes and put on Julia's pants. Julia was taller and a bit bigger than her so they would be a loose fit for her.

The rest of the day went off pretty usually, just more annoying classes and even more annoying classmates.

Author's note: Thank you all for reading, I'll keep adding at least 1 new chapter to this story almost every day this month! If y'all have any suggestions or comments for this story please let me know in the comments section, I'd really appreciate it! :D

Image credit: Louise INeed2Pee in PissBlog here: https://bit.ly/48HjoZE (if you'd like an image I used deleted just tell me in the comments).

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