9 - Diapers are Fun!

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After buying all the new diapers, Ashley left the room, forgetting that she was wearing a diaper with no pants.

"Hi Ashley, I see you're enjoying your new underwear." said Casey, still waking up from her nap.

Realizing that her diaper was fully exposed, she blushed strongly. "Well, I mean, I kinda look cute in them don't I?" she joked, embarrassed.

"Sure, sis. At least you're enjoying them so that's good."

"Yea, plus I feel too hot wearing pants over them. I don't wanna get all sweaty!"

"Sounds about right. Well anyways, I feel really weak and tired right now, so I'm going back to sleep. Goodbye!" Casey said, while going back to her bedroom.

"Well Ashley, we've had too much diaper fun here, it's time for you to do your homework!" said her mom while coming out of the room.

"I don't have any homework mom, it's only the first week of school."

"Well, then I guess you can just chill in your room. We'll call you for dinner!"

Ashley just laid on her bed trying to read her book, but she couldn't because she kept thinking of the diapers and how nice they felt.

One part of her brain thought she was such a weirdo for thinking that and that she wasn't normal, but another was so obsessed with diapers now that she couldn't let go.

She grabbed her phone and started searching more about her new found obsession. She found out that there was an entire community of them, and they called themselves ABDLs for "Adult Baby Diaper Lovers".

She found the AB side somewhat weird, but she found the outfits and diapers super cute and was glad she bought the onesies. However she totally related with the DL side, feeling how cozy and soft the goodnite was and imagining how much better a real ABDL diaper would be.


She kept investigating until she received a video call from her group chat with Charlotte and Julia. She accepted, and as it loaded she instantly turned off the camera so they wouldn't see her diaper.

"Hi girls!" said Ashley.

"Hi Ashley!" said Charlotte, "Wait, what's- why did you turn your camera off?"

"I- uh- my phone's been having some problems you know, 'cause it's old and the camera... it uses up to much battery." Ashley lied.

"Well, me and Charlotte," said Julia, "were planning on having a sleepover at Charlotte's this weekend!"

"Yea, my parents said yes and all, since on Friday we don't have school we could stay there from Thursday and leave Sunday! It'd be so fun!" exclaimed Charlotte.

"Sorry girls, me and my family are going on a trip to the beach before it gets too cold."

"Oh, well maybe we can do it the week after!"

"Yea sure! I'd definitely be up for that."

"Ok then, bye!" said Charlotte

"Bye!" said Ashley and Julia in unison.


"Casey, Ashley, dinner's ready!" yelled their dad from downstairs.


"Hi Ashley, I see you like your diaper." said her dad.

"Uh, yea," said Ashley, while blushing, "it's quite comfy actually, but it feels really hot with pants, so that's why I'm not wearing anything over it."

"Wait, where did you get that diaper from?" asked her dad.

"Oh, I found it in the basement from that time we went to visit your mother's family," answered her mom, "I still don't know how it got there."

"Oh, that was ages ago!" replied her dad, "Actually Ashley, you should take that diaper off, it's probably dirty and you put it on wrong anyways."

Ashley blushed a bright red.

"Plus, crinklebutt," continued Casey, "your diapers have arrived!"

"Wait, really?" asked Ashley, "Let's check them out!"

"Ok so first," started her mom, "there's your pull-ups. You'll wear those at school and when we go outside. Then we have your diapers. Those are for sleeping, being inside our house, while visiting family, or while in trips. And finally we have your diapering supplies: baby oil, baby powder and baby cream so you don't smell or get a diaper rash!"

"Woah that's so much stuff- wait, diapers in family gatherings?"

"Yea, we can trust our close family with this, can't we?"

"Ok mom, hopefully they'll be as understanding as you are."

"Yea, they'll be." answered her mom, "Well, now it's time to get you diapered for the night! Let's go to your room, I'll change you."

"Wait, can't I change myself?" replied Ashley.

"Well, considering how put on that diaper," teased Casey, "you do need some help."

"Yea, plus, it's easier when someone else does it." added her mom, "You'll learn from seeing me do it and then you'll be able to do it on your own just fine!"

Ashley and her mom went upstairs to Ashley's bedroom to change her. She laid down on the bed and her mom took off her diaper.

Wow, I'm really getting my diaper changed like a baby! thought Ashley, while blushing strongly. I feel embarrassed but also... cute and... tiny.

Her mom took some soft wet wipes and cleaned her crotch and butt, grabbed some baby cream and oil and carefully applied it to her skin. Then, she rubbed her skin with baby powder and added it to the diaper.

Ashley was mesmerized by the careful and delicate process of her mother when she suddenly heard her ask her to lift up her butt. She did so and her mom slid the thick medical diaper under her, pulled the tapes and front up, and quickly taped it all together.

Wow, Ashley thought, this feels... amazing!

Image credit: Rearz.ca, here: https://bit.ly/497RRkd (if you'd like an image I used deleted just tell me in the comments).

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