1 - The First Day of School

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"Beep beep beep" rang Ashley's alarm, waking her up from a pleasant sleep. Quickly, she snoozed it and tried to go back to sleep. "Ashley, Casey, wake up", yelled her mother, "you'll be late for school!" Ugrhhhh, I don't wanna wake up, thought Ashley, it's so warm and cozy here... wait why is it warm here? She touched her crotch and instantly knew what happened... She wet the bed!

Ashley rushed to the basement with her sheets to put them to wash and hopefully avoid anyone knowing what had happened. She had been never been a bedwetter and wasn't going to start at 14, after all this whole wetting the bed thing had only started like 2 weeks ago so it would surely stop eventually... right?

After putting the sheets to dry, Ashley ran to her bedroom to change and pretend nothing had happened. "Ashley!" yelled her mother again as she made breakfast, "It's the first day of school, you can't be late!" Ashley ran down the stairs to eat and found her mom and her sister, Casey, already finishing their breakfast.

"Sorry for being so late, I, uh, slept in." explained Ashley.

"Well then why were you in the basement?" said her mother as she put the dishes in the dishwasher.

"Uhhh", Ashley stuttered as she came up with an excuse, "I put some... clothes to wash... yea, some dirty clothes from yesterday."

"Stop using the washing machine so much without telling us, the water bill is getting too high."

"Ok, when are we leaving for school?"

"In 10 minutes." said Casey.

Ashley ran back up to her room to get all her stuff. Today is going to be a long day, she thought.


"Hi Ashley!", said Julia as she walked with her into the classroom, "You're late, as always."

"Hey! It's not my fault I live so far away", replied Ashley, still annoyed from today's wetting incident —which she obviously could not tell Julia—.

"C'mon, it's not that far. We could go there walking."

"In theory you could go anywhere walking."

"True. Well anyways, how's your day bee- Hi Melissa!" said Julia as her friend Melissa and her friends walked into the classroom.

"Hello Julia and hello, uhhhhh, what's your name again", replied Melissa, scratching her head.

"We've been in the same class for over a year now!" said Ashley, clearly annoyed by this situation. "You should've remembered my name by now!"

"Yea, but you're like, all boring so it's not a thing worth remembering." said Sherri, one of Melissa's friends.

"Yea, you are, Ashley, admit it" said Melissa as they walked away to the back of the classroom.

"Ugh, so annoying" complained Ashley, "can't they just be nice every once in a while?"

"They are, you're the one that's being so... extra. You know what I mean right?" said Julia.

"Sure... Well anyways where's Charlotte?"

"She's not in our class this year, didn't you know? Pretty sure she's with my brother Martin in the other room."

"Attention students, class is going to start in 5 minutes," said the new teacher.

Yep, today is gonna be a very boring day. Hey, maybe tomorrow I'll stay dry!

Author's note: Thank you all so much for reading, I'll keep updating the story as much as I can, adding at least 1 chapter every day this month! If y'all have any suggestions for this story please let me know in the comment section!

Image credit: The Standard Kenya, here: http://bit.ly/3SaMeKS (if you'd like an image I used deleted just tell me in the comments).

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