michaeng - business is messy

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A/N: im trying to start feeling proud of my stories for a certain person but i feel as if i could have made this oneshot better

enjoy tho!


Chaeyoung watched Ms. Myoui from afar. It was always this way. This scene was very familiar to Chaeyoung. It was familiar to see the young girl of Myoui Corp greeting and talking to countless business partners and investors during company parties.

They were all old and balding men and the sight of them talking to Ms. Myoui always irked Chaeyoung. It was a little creepy and she could always see the way the young girl always tried to politely take a step back or leave. Her shifty eyes told Chaeyoung how uncomfortable she really was.

Chaeyoung badly wished she could approach her. But she was only just the daughter of Son Tech. Her father's company was merely just a shareholder of Myoui Corp. Ms. Myoui didn't even know that Chaeyoung existed.

But Mina was so ideal. She was the same age as Chaeyoung, 18 and just a few months older. She was so beautiful and kind, talking to dozens of people with patience that Chaeyoung could never display. Her movements were so elegant and her smile was mesmerizing. Her beauty was simply out of this world. Chaeyoung believed that if she ever talked to her, she would be even more caring than people said.

She could never muster up the courage to talk to her though. Chaeyoung sighed in defeat and the night just continued.


The Myoui parties were always the most luxurious, biggest, and most impressionable nights. They were always on the news and even when the Myoui family appeared at other company parties, the attention shifted to them. Their corporation was one of the biggest in Korea, so it wasn't surprising.

Tonight the Son family was invited to a Myoui Corp party as usual.

Chaeyoung got ready in excitement, always trying to look her best just in case Ms. Myoui glanced in her direction.

During the party, Chaeyoung kept her gaze locked onto the young millionaire, staring shamelessly. She learned she could do so without fear because so many other people were also staring at her. She was quite famous after all. In addition to that, there were many other people present which formed a dense crowd and Ms. Myoui's attention was always on someone else.

Chaeyoung spoke with other business owners, ones that her parents forced her to talk with. It was always boring and she couldn't imagine how Ms. Myoui felt, as this is what she had to go through but with even more people.

Chaeyoung managed to escape from a conversation, rolling her eyes once her back was turned away from the man. She walked to get a drink from the table. Most of the beverages were alcoholic and Chaeyoung knew she couldn't get away with drinking tonight, so she got a water.

She picked up the glass from the table and looked at it on wonder. Such a fancy champagne flute, and just for water.

She took a sip of it and turned around to leave the drink table.

But just as she did she harshly ran into someone, causing the water to spill on their clothes.

Shoot this cannot be happening, Chaeyoung thought as she looked at the person's white dress. There was a huge, wet stain on the fabric, right in front.

"I am so sorry I-" Chaeyoung began to speak but her words froze as she looked up at the face of the girl.

Ms. Myoui.

"Ms. Myoui! I am so sorry, it was a complete accident. I should've been paying attention, I'm so stupid..." Chaeyoung frantically apologized while bowing repeatedly, arms at her side.

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