2yeon - heart to heart

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Great. Just Great.

They were locked out of Nayeon's house(once again). No key, no one to help, just the two of them with a case of beer.

Worst of all, Jeongyeon was stuck with Nayeon.

They opted to crash at their neighborhood park, this was nothing new to them. Sitting with a good distance between them in their usual spot on the kids playground.

The park was already long abandoned for the day, night having taken over awhile ago. Just the two of them now.

Jeongyeon the first to open a can of beer, followed shortly by Nayeon. She chugged her first sip to forget all her problems. Silence fell around them.

Jeongyeon hated to admit it but she had fallen for the older girl. She'd rather die than confess it though.

She wasn't really the type to express her feelings. She had a cold exterior and loved to tease and mess around with Nayeon.

It was her way of showing affection. However, Nayeon was quite the opposite. She was all touchy touchy and flirty and wanted to be sweet and mushy all the time.

It was obvious that Nayeon had a crush. She had liked Jeongyeon for a long time already and made it plain and clear to her.

Jeongyeon just liked to feign ignorance. She thought it was weird that Nayeon liked her so much.

Why her?

Nayeon was so beautiful and could probably hook up with anyone if she really wanted to. She didn't understand Nayeon's interest in her. Maybe she was simply playing a trick on her? A very bad one at that.

Nevertheless, Jeongyeon continued to let Nayeon around her. Across all of Nayeon's nagging and flirting, Jeongyeon somehow took a liking to her. A strong liking.

For a bit she doubted her feelings. We're they romantic or just misplaced? However after further investigation, they were unfortunately real.

Jeongyeon had thought about telling Nayeon about it a couple times, but how would she do so? She had absolutely no clue on how to be intimate and the mere thought of it scared her.

And what would come after it? Jeongyeon had no experience in this field and it sent shivers down her spine each time she would think about the topic.

But disregarding all previous things said, she truly did love Nayeon. It had been long enough and time allowed for her feelings to grow this deep.

Now she had to just do something about it. Nayeon had done her part already. She made her feelings apparent and even gave Jeongyeon multiple perfect chances to show her feelings back.

Jeongyeon however, denied everything as she usually did. Nayeon knew she was avoiding this topic but she stayed resilient and patient, surprisingly. Nayeon wanted Jeongyeon to come to terms among herself and be sure that she was positive about this.

It didn't stop Nayeon from giving her a little push every now and then though. She already knew that the younger girl fancied her.

"You like me don't you?" Nayeon asked with that teasing tone that Jeongyeon loved.

Jeongyeon stayed quiet this time instead of denying it. She took a sip of her beer.

She couldn't quite bring herself to turn down the idea, because now there was some truth behind it.

Nayeon anticipated her answer, but soon realized that she would not get one.

Nayeon hummed in contentment and returned to spacing out.


The older girl whipped her head around at the speed of light.

"W-What'd you say?" Nayeon needed confirmation. She had to be dreaming right?

Was this finally happening?

Jeongyeon cleared her throat and spoke louder.

"I said yeah. I like you." Jeongyeon was already a bit tipsy. But sober enough to know what she was saying.

Nayeon widened her eyes at that. What does she do now? What happens now? Should she kiss Jeongyeon? Would the latter be comfortable with that?

Nayeon's mind reeled with possibilities. She realized that she never actually thought about what would happen when this moment came.

"Can you kiss me?" Jeongyeon reluctantly said.

This was happening so fast and sudden. Nayeon wasn't complaining though. She had waited for this and rightfully earned it.

So very hesitantly she scooted closer to Jeongyeon, eye contact never breaking. She climbed on the latter's lap straddling her legs.

"Is this okay?" Nayeon murmured.


Jeongyeon was displaying her vulnerable side to Nayeon. She trusted Nayeon so the older girl had to take good care of her.

Very softly and slowly Nayeon cradled Jeongyeon's face. She had to be very cautious and take things slow with the younger. She would protect her well.

After only a moment, Nayeon pressed her lips to the younger's. It was very light, their lips only brushing lightly and ghosting the other's.

Nayeon pulled away after the short, delicate kiss. She was the expert here in this field and she wanted to lead Jeongyeon up slowly, as to not scare her.

To guide her better, she leaned back in, kissing her firmer this time.

Slowly but surely, as Nayeon had wanted, their kisses got more confident and more intense.

Sooner than later the two were engaged in a searing make out.

Jeongyeon was so inexperienced regarding Nayeon that it hurt. She didn't know how to act and was afraid that the slightest wrong move would make her leave. Silly girl.

Nayeon would never leave Jeongyeon. She couldn't. Her everything was Jeongyeon. Nayeon adored her so much to say the least.

Nayeon still straddling Jeongyeon and giving her all into this kiss. Her dream was finally happening and it was better than she had imagined. She craved more.

Jeongyeon held Nayeon's thighs, hands occasionally wandering to her hips and waist.

The kiss was stained with alcohol, they could taste the beer on each other's lips as they dived deeper and deeper into each other.


The sun rose and was blinding, effectively waking the two up. They were still on the playground outside, they had slept like this curled up in each other.

Nayeon was the first to sit up and adjust to her surroundings, still disoriented and feeling sore due to their overnight circumstances.

She found Jeongyeon still trying to close her eyes, longing for more sleep. Beautiful. Jeongyeon was absolutely stunning.

Even with a puffy face, from their previous intense activities, and unkempt hair Nayeon thought she was the prettiest girl to live.

She smiled to herself anticipating their bright future together.


1058 words 

A/N: this one was kind of short and rushed but i felt it was necessary

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