namo - see you around

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A/N: im back! and tbh this didn't turn out how i wanted it to

try not to cringe challenge! (hard edition)


"Fuck." Momo cursed under her breath as she stepped into a puddle. The water seeped through her shoe and dampened her sock as well as the edge of her baggy jeans.

Still her pace didn't falter as she ran to catch the bus despite the rain causing a potential slipping hazard.

Momo slowed as she reached the opened door, climbing in with a relieved sigh. She tried to play it cool and steady her ragged breathing, which wasn't a difficult task considering her good physique.

The door closed and the vehicle started to move immediately after Momo stepped in. The bus driver didn't even spare her a glance but Momo still said a quiet thank you. Though Momo couldn't complain, the driver had already waited for her to catch up as he had noticed her running.

But the fact that it was one in the morning, pouring rain, and he was stuck for a night shift didn't seem to help his mood either.

Momo scanned her bus card and made her way to the back of the bus. There were only 3 other people present. An old man near the front, a middle aged lady in scrubs, and a girl Momo's age.

The last of the three was seated in the back and Momo hesitated before taking a careful seat across from her.

After riding in silence for a bit, Momo found her eyes gravitating to the girl across her. She was just on her phone but Momo began to study her unintentionally. It was much more interesting than listening to the whoosh of the tires on the wet road and being in her own thoughts.

Momo noticed that her fingers were slender and she liked how they delicately gripped and tapped her phone. The girl had a habit of sucking on and biting her lip too, and it made Momo shift in her seat.

She also must have been a student, she had a backpack like Momo did and looked around the same age. Her cheeks were lightly tinted pink but it looked very natural and most likely not makeup. Her over ear headphones had stickers on them too and were black.

Her outfit was slack on her body, hiding her physicality and her shoes were loosely tied. Momo noticed there was a spot of light scratch marks on the girl's neck and as if on cue, she reached up to rub the area again in discomfort.

Momo watched her yawn almost in awe. A balled up fist rose to cover it. The girl licked her lips after. She put down her phone. She looked up. She made eye contact with Momo.

As soon as the girl's brown eyes met Momo's, the latter darted her stare to the ground.

At the edge of Momo's vision, the girl across of her shifted her feet and it got her attention.

When Momo looked up again, the girl's headphones were off and around her neck and she had a friendly smile plastered on her face.

Momo's face burned in embarrassment of getting caught staring. This girl probably thought she was weird and was about to tell her off.

But instead...

"Lucky you caught the bus hm?" She murmured.

Momo was surprised. For a moment she just looked around, as if the girl was talking to someone else.

Why is she talking to me?

But Momo replied anyways.

"Y-yeah." But the girl raised her eyebrows as if she expected Momo to elaborate.

"I...uh I just came from my school's study hall." She quietly spoke.

"Me too." After a moment of silence;

"You know instead of staring at me this whole time, you could have had a new friend by now. You know, if you just made conversation." The girl spoke with such confidence and security that Momo found it hard to believe that this innocent and cute face could be more than just that.

It sounded bad but, Momo couldn't help but give into easy stereotypes. A pretty face outside couldn't hold much inside right? This girl was so charming on the exterior but on the inside...well dammit, Momo was beginning to find out that the inside was somehow so much better.

"I-I wasn't staring." Momo tried to counter. The falter in her voice made the attempt to defend herself cringy, and even Momo didn't believe in her words. How could she when the standards of confidence were now set so high because of this stranger. The radiance in her voice was absolutely endearing after all.

The stranger acknowledged Momo's words with nothing more than an amused eyebrow raise.

"My name is Nayeon." The stranger spoke.

"I'm Momo."

"What a pretty name." Nayeon said and Momo couldn't help the blush that crept up to her cheeks.

"Thank you." Momo murmured. "What school do you attend?" She asked, her eyes falling on Nayeon's backpack again. She couldn't find any identification to where the other girl went when she was looking before.

"Apgujeong. What about you."

"Oh. I go to Chungdam High School." Momo said. Her apprehension and shyness was kind of cute, in Nayeon's opinion.

"12th grade?" Nayeon guessed.

Momo nodded her head.

"Same." Nayeon smiled.

A moment of silence fell between them, but it wasn't awkward. It felt comfortable. And it felt right. It was a moment to appreciate this sweet little moment as one of the joys of life, such as meeting someone new.

But Momo felt something new developing inside. Her stomach felt like it dropped and had been replaced with butterflies. It was new but it felt so good. It felt so good and made Momo bubble in excitement. She was positive this was Nayeon's doing.

The feeling soared when the bus came to a lurching halt at a stoplight, and Nayeon quickly and clumsily moved to the seat beside Momo along with her bag.

Their shoulders and legs touched at the proximity and Momo found that she really liked that. She wanted to know more about Nayeon.

It seemed as if the latter had read Momo's mind as she inched even closer.

"You know, Chungdam isn't far from my school...So I bet we don't live far from each other either. We should meet up again sometime." Nayeon spoke, glancing out the window for a brief moment.

"Y-Yeah I would love that." Momo genuinely said.

Nayeon smiled and pulled out her phone again. She opened an app and then handed the device to Momo.

Momo hesitantly took it and looked at the screen, realizing that it was Instagram and that Nayeon wanted her to put in her username.

"Oh, I'll follow myself then!" Momo said just as Nayeon stood up, holding on to the overhead rail. She pulled the stop request line and the bus started to slow.

Momo finished and looked up to hand Nayeon her phone. The latter was hovering over Momo's seat, already looking down at her.

"This is my stop. I'll message you, Momo." Nayeon softly spoke, gently grabbing her phone from Momo who was holding it out.

"See you around, Nayeon." Momo said, finding that she liked the taste of Nayeon's name on her lips.

Nayeon was already almost out the door by then, but she gave one last friendly smile before leaving.

As the bus doors closed and the bus started to move again, Momo sighed in contentment.

She felt a buzz from her pocket and she pulled her phone out to find a new follow request on Instagram. 


1221 words 

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