saida - home

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I want to go home.

Dahyun held her breath as the phone continued to ring. Three times already and no answer.

"Please, please." Dahyun was praying for Sana to answer. She needed her to answer.

Finally on the fourth ring it stopped and silence instilled. After a second of hesitation Sana spoke through the other line.

"Dahyun?" Sana called out, breath crackling through the speaker.

Dahyun could barely hold in her tears of relief. She was currently having the worst day ever. The kind where nothing was particularly bothering her but everything was going wrong.

She was positively exhausted and to say that Sana's voice fixed everything was an understatement. It was music to her ears.

"Baby are you home?" Dahyun whispered as she dropped her head against the steering wheel. Tears brimmed her eyes and the annoying, frustrated feeling continued to pester her.

Sana could immediately tell the droop in Dahyun's voice. What once was cheerful and radiant was replaced with nothing but dread and sadness.

"What's wrong?" Sana asked, voice filled with nothing but concern for the younger. It hurt the Japanese girl to imagine her lover so miserable and sad.

"I had a bad day, that's all." Dahyun's voice cracked and she let out a shaky sigh. She was hoping Sana would be home already to welcome her and cheer her up. It would make everything better just to be in the presence of her.

"Oh no im so sorry baby," her voice gave proof that she really was sorry. "Are you still at work? Come home and i'll fix everything. I'll order your favorite food too and we can cuddle and i'll kiss you a million times!"

Dahyun had flipped Sana's caring, attentive switch on. It was one of the many things that Dahyun had fallen for and she just adored it when Sana babied her, though she'd never admit it.

Dahyun cracked a small smile despite feeling shitty still. Sana always knows how to make things better.

"That sounds great. Thank you, thank you so much Sana." Dahyun couldn't express her gratitude enough, and her words ran into a deeper meaning than just for this one scenario.

She was thanking Sana for just being there. She'd often like to call the Japanese girl her rock, and it was true because she was her rock.

"Of course Dahyun that's what im here for."

"I love you."

"I love you more. Now hurry up I wanna see your cute face." Sana whined.

This made Dahyun forget about her whole day, anxious to get home immediately.

After a quick goodbye the Korean girl hung up the phone and smiled to herself. Man how did she get so lucky.

She started her car and pulled out of the parking lot of her workplace. She quietly listened to music as she drove the longest 10 minutes of her life, the time it took to get to the couple's shared house.


Finally she reached the front door, dragging her feet and fishing her house key from out of her pocket. She could see the light coming from within and it reassured Dahyun once more.

She inserted the key, unlocked the door, and as soon as she stepped in and closed it she heard her girlfriend.


Sana ran to Dahyun meeting her halfway and pulled her into a hug.

Dahyun stayed quiet and simply melted into her girlfriend. She wrapped her hands around the older's neck and rested her head against her shoulder.

It felt like she would collapse any second. Sana sensed this and slowly guided her to the sofa. She layed her down and hovered over her to plant a kiss on Dahyun's lips.

She made her way all over her face not leaving an inch unkissed. She kissed the tip of her nose, all over her cheeks, a couple times again on the lips, on her forehead, and even under her jaw where she knew Dahyun liked it.

She kissed the corner of the pale girls lips once more, making them turn up into a smile, before pulling away to speak.

"You want to eat? I got your favorite takeout." Sana lowly asked. Galaxies were visible in her glazed eyes. She looked at Dahyun like she was the most precious thing ever, and to Sana she was the most precious thing ever. 

Somehow the Japanese girl could be soft and caring while still keeping her hyper sweet personality. It was... simply endearing.

"Mhm." Dahyun's eyes fluttered open and suddenly she gained enough energy back to sit up and kiss Sana, hands pulling at the back of her neck.

Sana was taken aback but gave in right away. Dahyun could kiss Sana forever. Those lips. They tasted like home.


They pulled apart and Sana rested her forehead on Dahyun's.

"Feeling any better love?" Sana wished she could take all her pain away. Send it somewhere else.

Dahyun could only hum a yes. She pulled Sana on top of her, both laying down now. Dahyun buried her face into Sana's neck while the latter started to play with her hair.

Dahyun inhaled the lingering perfume on Sana's skin. Her skin was so light and soft, like a baby's.

There it smelt like home. Home. Dahyun's home.

Sana's hands soon started to wander and she began caressing her girlfriend's back, hips, and waist. They would get up in short time, yet right now Dahyun's attention was solely focused on the fluttering of her heart and the way Sana touched her.

Her skin tingled where Sana's fingers brushed and it made her forget about everything. It was just the two of them.

Home. It surely felt like home too. Dahyun was positive.

Sana now sat up, straddling the younger's  stomach. Her face was flushed a beautiful pink and hair fell effortlessly onto her shoulders. Her face was sculpted perfectly, as if it was carved by the most skilled artisans to ever live. Dahyun was convinced that it was. She could never seem to get enough of Sana. She was the world's most beautiful flower. It was a no brainer.

"Let's take a bath after we eat, yeah?" Sana's sweet voice was a melody to Dahyun's ears.

The most beautiful symphony to have ever been composed. If Dahyun didn't realize it already, Sana was truly hers. All hers.

Home? What was Dahyun's definition of home.

In short, it was Sana. Sanas voice, Sanas touch. The way Sana's lips tasted and the smell of Sana that overpowered Dahyun's senses. Everything and all of Sana.

Home, Dahyun realized, was wherever Sana was.

"Yeah.." Dahyun answered.


1101 words

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