sahyo - care

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A/N: IM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING anyways I did write some stuff so here's one. Also I want to say that if you guys have requests im open for any ship I love writing for the like less popular ships between members ANYWAYS 

"Sana don't move." Jihyo froze in her position and suddenly became serious.

Only a moment before there had been a loud crash. Sana started to tear up at the scary situation.

The two girls of Twice had just previously been baking together in their dorm, a very coupley thing that they always loved to do together. They were listening to their own group's music and had started the process of making brownies, one of Jihyo's favorites.

Jihyo had washed the square glass pan they were planning to use in the oven. She then handed the wet dish to Sana so the older girl could dry it with a dish towel, but it slipped out of Sana's hands and shattered onto the floor.

It made Sana freeze in shock and tears well up in her eyes. It was merely an accident but Sana felt immediate, immense guilt. Sana had a habit, well not a habit, but maybe a past record of breaking stuff.

Not on purpose of course, but her clumsiness got the best of her. She always managed to break things with such ease, even if she was trying very hard to be fragile with the object. Sometimes it would even put the girl into potential dangers, such as this instance right now.

It was as if Sana couldn't control her own strength, and it made the Japanese girl wonder if there was something wrong with her. Of course there was nothing wrong with her, but Sana felt extremely bad every time it happened.

And it happened again.

"Don't move." Jihyo repeated.

Now on the other hand this didn't really bother Sana's girlfriend. Jihyo solely cared about Sana's safety and so every time this would happen she only wanted to make sure Sana was okay.

Jihyo could understand the older girl. Sometimes she just got too ahead of herself or too hyper or excited and she would get a little inattentive. Perhaps it was something that Jihyo loved about Sana though. It was adorable.

But right now it was just worrying. There was glass everywhere. The dish must have hit the floor at just the right angle because it was shattered pretty good. Little pieces of glass scattered the whole floor and covered every inch of the hardwood.

What if Sana was cut? What if she stepped on a piece of glass even? Jihyo was very panicked. She loved Sana with everything she had and even small situations like this frightened her.

"J-just stay there. It's okay, I'm right here." Jihyo breathed out a hurried reassurance. Luckily Sana was wearing fuzzy socks but Jihyo was barefoot. She looked down and she in fact had several small cuts on her feet.

Sana looked scared. She also looked disappointed, which Jihyo knew was directed to herself. Slowly she made her way to Sana, trying her best to avoid the pieces of glass. In the back of her mind she knew she would be all cut up but she could only worry about her lover.

Jihyo picked up the older girl and Sana wrapped her legs around Jihyo's waist. The younger girl didn't want Sana to have to worry about being cut, so she figured this was the best way to keep her safe. She then carried her out of the kitchen and into the safety of the living room.


Sana watched Jihyo sweep up all the glass from her view on the sofa. The leader was very meticulous about her cleaning and she thoroughly picked up the mess.

It was a hazard to leave any glass behind, no matter how small it was, so Jihyo had to triple check the kitchen. It was a difficult task but Jihyo would always be there to take care of Sana. Always.

Afterwards the younger came over to Sana and inspected her for any wounds. There were a few cuts on her hands so Jihyo cleaned them up nicely, finishing it off with a Hello Kitty bandaid which Sana smiled at.

"Are you okay?" Jihyo wiped away the few tears Sana had let out with the pad of her thumb. The situation didn't seem like a big deal, but it was to Sana.

Sana hummed assuring that she was okay, because Jihyo was there to take care of her. The Korean girl then pushed Sana to lay down, surprising the latter. Jihyo crawled on top of her, cuddling into Sana and giving her little pecks wherever her lips were closest to.

It was situations like these that Sana was the most vulnerable in, so Jihyo had to be her shield. Jihyo took care of her well and treasured her, something Sana terribly needed after her tough past.

The world was a cruel place but Jihyo was Sana's light. She was with her through thick and thin. Jihyo was everything that Sana wanted and needed. Sana's spark and all that she desired. She was Sana's life.

And it would stay like that forever.

"It's okay Sana, Jihyo's here." They forgot all about their previous activity and fell asleep holding each other on the couch.


846 words 

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