sahyo - she loves

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"Sana quick!" Jihyo squealed.

The rain poured down in sheets as the two uselessly ran to their apartment for shelter. It was useless because 1: They were already soaked all the way down and 2: Sana wasn't ready just yet to go inside.

As they were about to enter the lobby of their complex, Sana stopped in her place. Jihyo paused as well, their intertwined hands preventing her from going ahead.

"What is it?" Jihyo asked.

Sana didn't reply. Instead she swiftly cupped Jihyo's jaw and pulled her in for a breath taking kiss.

Jihyo questioned it but melted into the kiss nevertheless. She grabbed at Sana's waist, fingers tightening against her wet clothes.

Their lips perfectly glided against each other's and they could feel the water rushing around them. Jihyo had to admit, it was kind of hot.

Sana finally pulled away with a big smile.

"I've always wanted to kiss somebody in the rain." She simply said.

"No, you've always wanted to kiss Park Jihyo in the rain." Jihyo teased.

"Ugh, you're so right. Park Jihyo the love of my life." Sana sarcastically rolled her eyes but her smile gave her away.

The two stumbled inside the lobby, laughing loudly and dripping water everywhere.

The doorman and employee behind the desk gave them an annoyed look but kept quiet.

Jihyo realized they broke a peaceful silence and cringed at herself.

"Sorry." She murmured.

She made herself and Sana wipe their feet on the carpet in a halfhearted attempt before heading to the elevator.

They giggled the whole ride up, sharing sweet kisses and playing with each other's wet hair.

When they got to their apartment Jihyo immediately made sure to care for her girlfriend.

"Take off your wet shoes and put them by the door."

Sana did as she was told, followed by Jihyo. They made their way to their shared bedroom right after.

"Also, take of your wet clothes and give them to me. Your going to get sick if we don't change soon." Jihyo said. She started to pull her shirt over her head exposing half her body.

Sana saw her girlfriends stomach and wasted no time in tickling her. Her fingertips brushed over Jihyo's soft skin and the latter erupted into a fit of laughter by the time her shirt was completely off and on the floor.

"Sana- stop it!" Jihyo laughed out. In an attempt, she tried to swat away Sana's hands. In the end she failed but Sana pulled her hands away with a cheeky smile.

Jihyo gave her a fake mad look before teasing her.

"I though I told you to change!" She said.

"You did." Sana rolled her eyes before starting to undo her jeans.

Jihyo just giggled and helped her by unbuttoning her dress shirt all the way down.

Sana was now fully undressed, the same as Jihyo.

"Can we shower together Jihyo." Sana pouted.

Jihyo kissed her lips once before answering.

"Go turn on the water i'll be right there." Jihyo said while picking up their bundle of wet clothes. "Let me put these to wash first though."

Sana practically bounced over to their spacious bathroom. She ran the water and watched as it got hotter, steam rising as it hit the tiled shower floor.

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