namo - coffee stop

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Momo's day ended with visiting her local coffee shop. The atmosphere there was nice and she could get a drink or work on her laptop. Some days she would just come to relax though, or maybe read.

But no matter what, Momo always came to the shop and ordered the same thing everyday. It was engraved into her routine now.

On this particular day, the sky was a little cloudy and a light breeze swayed through the trees, rustling the leaves. It wasn't too cold and not too warm. Only a light jacket or sweater was necessary.

Momo adjusted her leather shoulder bag and continued walking down the familiar street. It was time for her coffee stop. This was arguably the best part of her day so naturally she was excited.

She grasped the cold metal handle and pulled the door open to be welcomed by the toasty shop. The lights gave a nice glow, as they usually did, and it added to the warm feeling that Momo loved. The decor was always nice and the various seats and booth couches were very comfortable and secure.

But Momo thought she loved the aroma most of all. Simply put, coffee. All the various drinks being made integrated together to create a perfect blend.

The scent was out of this world and Momo took a deep breath, perhaps the first one she had taken since the morning. The pleasant scent filled her nose and put her at ease from the day's stress.

It felt like home. Besides from her house and her studio, Momo did actually spend most of her time here.

All of the workers knew her by name and coffee order. She was one of their regulars and all the staff absolutely adored her. They would often talk to her and Momo felt comfortable enough with them.

Although on this one day, there was a new girl at the counter. Momo had never seen her before so she must have just been hired.

The cafe wasn't too busy, only a few people minding their own business. Momo was pleasantly surprised with the new employee, her mind already wandering to what she would be like and wanting to be her friend already.

The said girl turned around, as she was working on the counter in the back, and Momo almost gasped.

She was drop dead gorgeous. Everything about her was just...just... indescribably beautiful. Her soft brown hair fell just past her shoulders and seemed to effortlessly lure Momo in.

She had pale skin and her dark eyes matched the color of her perfect hair. She seemed to be an angel almost. Momo couldn't deny that she was very attracted to the mysterious girl.

Pink lips started to move and Momo watched in awe as the girl tilted her head to the right, asking another customer a question.

Momo swears she fell in love right then and there. Nothing existed at that moment but the new charming employee.

She couldn't even process anything else, only the sweet lullaby of the girl's voice.

Momo probably stood there looking like an absolute dork. She simply stared at the girl, mouth slightly ajar with a look of wonder in her eyes.

Finally she willed herself to snap out of it. Momo adjusted her shoulder bag once more, an unconscious long existing habit of hers, and took another deep breath.

She fixed her bangs making sure she looked her best and straightened her posture, totally aware and overthinking the coming interaction with this new girl.

Momo desperately wanted to make a good impression on her. She acknowledged that she probably already messed it up but she was determined to fix that.

So with her friendliest smile she stepped up to the ordering counter and talked to the girl.

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