saida - wallflower

407 16 5

A/N: sry for being dead, also this one escalates quickly 

also PLEASE give me requests im dying from writers block


Sana felt hot between the crowds of people at the club. She could feel droplets of sweat running down her neck as she continuously bumped into people dancing and drinking.

She left her groups of friends without saying a word. Surely they wouldn't notice anyways, given that they were too drunk for their own good. Too drunk even that the introverted Mina and Chaeyoung had started to make out in the middle of the dance floor, despite all eyes watching.

Sana made her way to the bar, glad for the space from people and the less prominent scent of sweat in the air. She took a seat at a stool before asking for a glass of water from the bartender, something in an attempt to sober up.

She glanced around the room, trying to take in her surroundings despite the dizzy feeling that was messing with her vision. She caught a glimpse of Jeongyeon and Nayeon dancing together. In Sana's opinion, they were a little too close, but that was okay because the two would be cute together anyways. She saw the DJ talking to a lady, probably telling her that he didn't accept song requests(Sana's friends were frequents of this place and they found out the hard way). She saw a few couples drinking and talking, which Sana blushed at in admiration of their tenderness.

The bartender grabbed Sana's attention and slid the water over the smooth, wooden counter.

"Thanks, cutie." Sana senselessly flirted. She didn't mean anything by it, however Sana knew it would make his day anyways. She received a blush and a smile before the bartender turned away to attend to others.

Sana sipped on her water slowly, still peering around the room from above her glass with raised eyebrows.

And then she saw something that almost made her choke on her drink.

A girl. A girl around Sana's age. A girl standing against a quiet wall and watching Sana. Her phone was in her hands, appearing as if she had been using it before Sana caught her attention.

As soon as Sana had locked eyes with her, the latter immediately averted her gaze back down to her phone as if nothing had happened.

Really it meant nothing to Sana. People had always stared at her and she was used to it. After all, although Sana was humble she knew that she was pretty.

But throughout the night, Sana kept accidentally making eye contact with this girl. She had to admit that she was extremely pretty too.

The girl had sharp, monolided eyes that seemed to pierce through Sana's heart. Her pale skin glowed in the dim lights, which Sana thought was beautiful. She wasn't wearing a very revealing outfit, yet you could still tell her physique was stunning. And despite her sharp, cat-like features, this girl seemed to look so pure and cute. Sana was a sucker for cute girls, and it seemed to reflect her now sudden want for this particular one.

And the girl seemed to know it. With every eye contact she stopped pretending as if she hadn't been staring, instead just continuing to do so with Sana watching back.

One particular time it seemed as if Sana had had enough. As their eyes met, she started to walk towards this mysterious girl. There was a strange tension surrounding her that drew Sana in.

The said girl smirked before walking in the opposite direction. Sana watched her open a door, glancing back as if urging her to follow. That was all Sana got before her target disappeared through the door.

Twice OneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang